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Friendly Reminder: Sale Ends Friday Night

Just a quick reminder:

The “It’s My Berfday” Sale ends Friday night at midnight, California-time (PST). Treat yourself to that Sheldon original artwork you’ve had your eye on, and become the envy of all your high-class friends.

Friday being my birthday, I would be remiss if I also didn’t say THANKS MOM!

Original Art Sale-o-Rama!

Since Friday is my birthday, my wife had the cool idea of having a sale on original art between now and then. So, for the next four days, all Sheldon original art is 40% off the normal price.

In fancy-shmancy art galleries, Sheldon originals command a hefty $400 price, but you can purchase your favorite strip here for sale prices as low as $75. Here’s how:


How do I purchase an original?

To buy the original art from your favorite strip, just navigate to that page using the archives page or the back-arrow buttons.

What if I still can’t find my favorite strip in the archives?

Lots of Sheldon readers have helped one another out by posting a question in the Sheldon forums. Drop by, mention that you’re having trouble finding a particular strip, and you’ll be surprised how fast folks are able to help. And if that doesn’t work, drop me a line.

OK, I’ve found the strip I want…now what?

All you need to do is click the button that says “Buy Today’s Original Art”. It’s located on the blue post-it note underneath the strip. Here’s a image showing

I’ve never bought original art before. What can I expect?

Each Sheldon cartoon is a hand-drawn, hand-lettered, one-of-a-kind creation; drawn on acid-free Bristol Vellum cardstock using archival Faber-Castell Pitt and Pigma Micron pens. The daily strips (Monday-through-Saturday) measure 4 1/4″ x 13 3/4″; and Sunday strips measure 8 3/4″ by 19″. All strips are black-and-white, and frame up beautifully.

Sheldon cartoons appear in LA art galleries, in the lobby of Google, and in hundreds of homes around the world. But don’t wait to get your favorite strip: there’s only ONE original for each, and when it’s gone…it’s gone!

If there’s only one original…how will I know if the cartoon I want is still available?

The Sheldon store automatically places the word “Purchased” over the button when a strip has been sold. So if you see this, then you know that strip is gone.


I’ll even throw in this extra birthday goodness: if you’re not 100% satisfied with your Sheldon original art, you can return it for a full refund within 15 days of purchase! (Take THAT, Amazon.com, and your unwillingness to refund my singing Christmas fish from two years ago!)