
He’s a ten-year-old kid who earned billions with his own software company: Sheldonsoft. Thougth his huge riches occasionally tempt him into buying something frivolous like, say, Panama, Sheldon remains pretty much a normal kid. (Although he does go into little nerd comas over anything sci-fi related.)

Arthur learned to talk when Sheldon downloaded some speech-recognition software into his head. He’s been trouble ever since. Sarcastic and cocky, Arthur’s constantly getting into trouble with his overblown ego and delusions of grandeur.

Sheldon’s wild ‘n woolly pug, Oso will sleep on most any surface when he’s not actively destroying the house. Like most pugs, Oso is two enchiladas short of the combination plate.

Though a lizard, Flaco is Arthur’s adopted son, after a mistaken egg-hatching. While he doesn’t talk in anything other than “squees”, he’s a uniquely brilliant, adventurous dude.

Sheldon is raised by his grandfather, a warm-hearted guy who’s not quite sure what to make of his grandson’s billions. Now retired, Gramp’s main hobbies are drinking coffee, and thinking about the next coffee he’s going to drink.

He’s a ten-year-old kid who earned billions with his own software company: Sheldonsoft. Thougth his huge riches occasionally tempt him into buying something frivolous like, say, Panama, Sheldon remains pretty much a normal kid. (Although he does go into little nerd comas over anything sci-fi related.)

Arthur learned to talk when Sheldon downloaded some speech-recognition software into his head. He’s been trouble ever since. Sarcastic and cocky, Arthur’s constantly getting into trouble with his overblown ego and delusions of grandeur.

Sheldon’s wild ‘n woolly pug, Oso will sleep on most any surface when he’s not actively destroying the house. Like most pugs, Oso is two enchiladas short of the combination plate.

Though a lizard, Flaco is Arthur’s adopted son, after a mistaken egg-hatching. While he doesn’t talk in anything other than “squees”, he’s a uniquely brilliant, adventurous dude.

Sheldon is raised by his grandfather, a warm-hearted guy who’s not quite sure what to make of his grandson’s billions. Now retired, Gramp’s main hobbies are drinking coffee, and thinking about the next coffee he’s going to drink.
The Artist

Dave Kellett is a Southern California native who grew up loving all sorts of comics and sci-fi and nerdery. So no, not a big dater in high school, if that’s what you’re asking. But! It made him a prime candidate to draw comics later in life, SO IT WORKED OUT OK.
He is currently 5’8” tall.