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Glornak, Destroyer of Bumpers

I got a great e-mail from Sheldonista Susan R. about her Glornak Bumper Sticker, and had to share it with you:

Hi Dave,

After first recieving my bumper sticker, I shined up my truck and displayed it with pride. You can see it in the before picture.

Unfornately, driving to work one day, a patch of ice wanted a word with my truck. The patch of ice decided to tag team my truck with assistance from a concrete median. Fortunately, not many were hurt. Unfortnately, Glornak was wiped completely off my sticker. He must have had to go home or had over stayed his welcome in my family. You can see in the after picture. The saddest part of all, equal or greater to the damage to my car, is that I no longer have an awesome bumper .

Thought you might enjoy!


Susan, I may not be able to replace that bumper, but I’m sending you a replacement Glornak sticker right now! It’s the least I can do for a near-bumperless Sheldon reader!


It’s been quite a few years since Sheldon and Sheldonsoft have tussled with Microsoft (…Want to read the first time? Click the numbers to read: 1,




5, and


Of course, this time, new-ish Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer is in charge instead of Bill Gates. Not familiar with Steve? Might I point you toward this

little YouTube offering?*

My favorite part of this video? How winded Steve is at the end of it all.

Battlestar Galactica

…apparently comes back on the air in March, 2008.

However, in a marketing move that will no doubt be called “brilliant” by the five people that work under them, the head of SciFi’s programming will, the night before it’s about to re-air, bump the show back a few more months.

Talk Added

Springboarding off the launch of the new book, it looks like I’ll be giving a talk and Q&A in May to the Society of Illustrators, LA — which should be fun. More details to come in the weeks ahead, as the date and time are firmed up.

I think my opening line will be “Quick show of hands…Who here likes to draw?” Surely that won’t come off lame, right? Right?

(…Also: if I can, I’ll try to get an MP3 recording of the talk to share with you.)

Flaco Just Hangin’ There

For what it’s worth to share this, Flaco limply hanging in panel three made me chuckle out loud to myself.
He’s really grown on me, as a character.

If you recall, Flaco originally was going to be a throw-away character and just leave the strip. But almost as soon as he left, folks began asking he be brought back for a homecoming and his first big adventure:

You can open these up in new tabs to read through…
7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15.

That first Flaco adventure is one of my favorites…and re-reading it makes me feel like we’re due for a Saturday Adventure Storyline. 🙂

Film techniques within comics

It’s rare that you see a new-fangled Webcomics format that truly enriches the experience of reading. More often than not, overly done Flash interfaces or “infinite canvas” comic-formats get in the way of actually reading the comic. You become very conscious of the act of reading.

But this comic caught my eye for it’s clever use of pans, wipes and reveals “within” panels. It takes a second to adjust to, but most of the time they really add to the experience. It’s worth checking out, if you have a minute.

Darth Vader Sings “Mna Mna”!

This YouTube video had me smilin’ today. If you’re a huge nerd like me, I think you’ll like it.

Make sure you stick around for the little endcap. It’s worth a chuckle all on it’s own.

Wondering where the music comes from? If you hadn’t seen it before…it’s from one of the funniest Muppet sketches ever.

Cartoonist Profiles

For cartoonists young and old out there, I direct you to this particular offering. It’s a little something close to my heart: My much-loved childhood collection of “Cartoonist Profiles”.

When I was growing up and dreaming of being a cartoonist, there was one journal that perfectly encapsulated my cartooning dreams, and that was “Cartoonist Profiles.” It was a quarterly publication for and about cartooning professionals. It featured interviews with all the cartoonists I loved, articles on tips and tricks, and all the little tidbits about cartooning you couldn’t find anywhere else. I devoured the in-depth interviews, particularly. These men and women were my heroes… and I wanted to know everything they did — everything — to become professional cartoonists.

Anyhow, today as I was reorganizing my studio, I came across all of my issues of “Cartoonist Profiles.” I hadn’t seen them in years, and I couldn’t help but smile. It immediately brought me back to the days when I would read, and re-read, and re-re-read about the cartoonists I loved and how they got to where they were.

But it occurred to me that these were going to waste buried way back in my bookshelf. They should be firing up the imagination of the next generation of cartoonists!

So I’ve put them out there with the hopes they can find a good home. I really don’t mind if they go for nothing — I’m more interested that they find the right cartoonist. So if no one ends up claiming them after a week, I’ll mail ’em out to the first young cartoonist who’d like to have them!

[EDITED TO NOTE: Something went wonky with the original listing, so I’ve reposted it. The link points to the new listing.]

Book Recommedation: Kazu Kibuishi’s “Amulet”

Amid all my chatter about “How To Make Webcomics”, I’ve been very remiss in not mentioning the most beautifully illustrated book to come along in years:
Kazu Kibuishi’s new work “Amulet”.

I drove out to Alhambra last week for Kazu’s book launch — and had a great time. Looking up close at his (gorgeous!) working drafts hanging in the art gallery, and chatting over his labor-intensive process for arriving at his final illustrations was a wonderful way to spend a night. Kazu is easily among the best illustrators alive — and this book the best expression yet of his talent.

If you’re a parent, a librarian, or even have a pulse, you’ll want to pick up “Amulet.” It’s a wonderful young adult story that all ages are sure to love. You won’t be disappointed.

Wassa Whossa?

Sheldonista Harriet noticed this on Alibris this weekend: A copy of Sheldon Book One, “Pure Ducky Goodness,” going for some ridiculous sum.

Lord knows how or why it’s listed for fifty-two smackers. I guess this is good news for all of you who have a copy: They’re goin’ up in value on the secondary market! 🙂