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Mr. Squinkles

It’s not often in Sheldon that I get to draw a pig. But I’m pretty happy with how Mr. Squinkles came out.

Plus, I like writing the name “Mr. Squinkles.”

……Mr. Squinkles.

Who doesn’t like kind words?

Every once in a while, I’ll type “sheldoncomics.com” into Google or Technorati, and see what folks are saying about the strip on their blogs.

Today, I read one of the nicest li’l write-ups on the strip I’ve ever seen. It’s over here, if’n you’d like to read it.

I suppose I don’t mention it much, but I should: If you’re enjoying the strip, one of the kindest things you can do is mention it to friends online or offline, or take a minute to mention it in your blog or favorite forums. You might think a few kind words don’t make a difference, but you’d be amazed: I bet most of you found Sheldon from a friend or from another site kindly linking in.

And in the meantime, thanks to Blake for the kind write-up!

Sheldon’s Big Ol’ Honkin’ Glasses

Is it odd that Sheldon’s asleep in his glasses?

For that matter, have we ever seen Sheldon *out* of his glasses? You’d think I’d know…but I genuinely can’t recall after all these years. My strong guess is “no,” but I may be wrong.

If you do know of such strip in the archives, then by all means share the link in the comments! I’m just as curious as everyone else! 🙂

Punctuation Marks

For those who enjoyed Monday’s strip, allow me to point you to past installments of “Punctuation Marks That Never Caught On…”

Examples 1,
2, and

Various Updates on Various Things

ITEM THE FIRST: We haven’t forgotten about the tagline contest! Steph is collating all the many hundreds of entries, and we’re going over them this weekend. Rather than just pick my favorite, though, I’ll put up my top ten and solicit feedback before I choose. That way, it’ll be another mix of delegates and superdelegates. 🙂

ITEM THE SECOND: Don’t forget that the first Sheldon collection, “Pure Ducky Goodness,” is 50% off over at the Sheldon Store! It’s a great way of testing out the full collection to see if it’ll will help you get that raise, lose that weight, and find a new understanding of life’s mysteries. (Hint: It totally will.)

ITEM THE THIRD: Finding a common thread as to why some people got the newsletter while others didn’t is proving maddening. I’ll be individually e-mailing everyone that didn’t get it…but the overall process is proving my old dictum true: “Technology: It Sucks Lemons.”

Newsletter Followup

The Sheldon Newsletter went out to all parties who signed up for it, but we had 150 bounce back as undeliverable.

If you signed up for the newsletter, but didn’t get it, drop me a line to let me know, and we’ll see what happened.

My first guess, though, is that you’ll need to check your spam filters to see if mail from “[email protected]” has been flagged as spam. ‘Cause it’s not. It’s totally not! 🙂

50%-Off The First Sheldon Book!

Good news for folks itchin’ to start their Sheldon book collection: From now until June 8th, the first books is 50%-off! That means you can get Pure Ducky Goodness for just $7.50. That’s less than a gallon of gas! 🙂

The printing in the Sheldon books brings out a lot of fun, little details you may not have noticed online — and they’re bound with vellum matte covers that are soft as a Parisian summer breeze.

I kid, but the truth is we work really hard to make these books awesome… so it’s fun to see whenever a new Sheldonista starts to dive into the collection.

If you haven’t picked up a book yet, head on over to the Sheldon Store and grab the first volume at the lowest price ever!