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December Sales Are Endin’ Wednesday!

Just a reminder: You have two days left to pick up Pure Ducky Goodness, the first Sheldon book collection, for only $10. Just ten smackers! 136 pages of awesomeness for just ten smackers! It’s a great way to start in on your collection — but it ends Wednesday.

Also, if you live in Kuala Lumpur or in the Upper Amazon Basin — or even someplace local — you’ll want to take advantage of our free, worldwide shipping on Sheldon Original Art before Wednesday. Anywhere in the world…free!

Let the Blogging Recommence!

After a wonderful few days off spending time with family in San Diego and LA, I’m back in the ol’ studio and bloggin’ away.

No real news to report from the days off, except this: For Christmas, my wife and I got each other only one li’l gift each. My gift from her? It’s pretty awesome, actually: Star Wars bed sheets. They’re quite ridiculous. I love ’em.

Also: Lots of e-mails from American Sheldonistas reporting that Hobnobs are suddenly appearing in lots of new stores in mass quantities. And behold: A cartoonist in LA gets instantly fatter!

Also, also: Please e-mail me any Christmas-day photos of family unwrapping their Sheldon books, etc. That kind of stuff means a lot to me.

Also, also, also: Regarding today’s strip, I think “God Bless America” is a pretty awesome cussing-replacement phrase. Try it when you’re really mad: It’s funny…especially when there’s a tenth-of-a-second pause after “God”.

What’s the best cuss replacement you’ve ever heard used?

This is why I cartoon…

I got an increadibly kind e-mail this morning, and it absolutely made my day. It’s e-mails like this that make being a silly little cartoonist so absolutely rewarding…

Got my Nerds on Parade Artist Edition the other day, and decided I
would save it for a calm moment after all this holiday craziness.

Well, last night I couldn’t sleep for freaking out about unemployment
(10 months and counting … woo? hoo?) and would I ever get a job
again and what the HECK should I do with life … so finally at 3am I
told myself to go get a book to read. Ah ha! The new book!

I settled in under the blankets and began reading, and the cat settled
in on top of me (do pugs know exactly where to stand on you for
maximum effect, like cats do? I swear, this one has kidney-seeking
radar in her paws…). And soon I was laughing, smiling, happy, and
not freaking out about money any longer that night. I was able to
finish the book, turn off the light, and (gently, so as not to trigger
the engagement of the Claws Of Death that the cat deploys upon any
hint of “getting out of bed”) rolled over and went to sleep right

Thanks for a lovely evening with the boys, Dave. I’m going to get my
stack of other Sheldon books and leave them on the bedside table for
future such freakouts!

Last Call for Christmas Orders!

The U.S. Postal Service says that any 1st Class or Priority Mail sent by the 20th will be delivered in the U.S. in time for Christmas…but we’re asking that you get your final orders in by the 17th. (The 18th at the absolute latest.) We’ll continue to ship every day, even after that — but getting your order in before then ensures timely delivery.

Aaaaaand for last-minute gift-givers, a quick guide:

1.) FOR NEW SHELDON READERS, or for friends/relatives you’d like to introduce to the strip, go with the 1st Sheldon collection, “Pure Ducky Goodness“. It’s a great starter collection at 136 pages, and is only $10 in December!

2.) FOR DOG LOVERS, go with “Pugs: God’s Little Weirdos“. It collects all the pug-related strips into one book, and contains the special, expanded story “Little Lost Pug”. (Worth noting: There are just three copies left of the Artist Editions.)

3.) FOR LONG-TIME SHELDON READERS, the new collection, “Nerds on Parade” is definitely the way to go. And if you think they’d like it, pick up one of the last 34 Artist Editions.

4.) For THE ARTIST IN YOUR LIFE, I’d recommend either the “How To Make Webcomics” book, or the “Artist’s Decision Tree” poster.

5.) Finally, if you have A SUPER-HUGE-SHELDON FAN in your life, you can surprise them with the Original Art from their favorite strip. Shipping is free in December, anywhere in the world — which adds up to $10 savings for some folks. To get your favorite original art, just navigate to it in the Sheldon archives and click the “Buy Today’s Original Art” button located under the strip.

And to everyone who sent in kind words upon receiving their new copy of “Nerds” — thank you! That means the world to me that you’re enjoyin’ it. And remember: If anything with your Sheldon order looks wrong, do drop me a line. Even if it’s the post office’s fault, we’ll do everything we can to make it right in time for Christmas!

An Unwed Librarian! Oh, the Horror!

Sheldonista Marisa V. wrote in with a hilarious addendum to the “It’s a Wonderful Life” toons from last week. I had to share this with you guys:

I am a long time reader and have been enjoying your “Questionable Moments from ‘It’s a Wonderful Life'” series, as this beloved Christmas movie has some problems.

But this segment seems now to be over, and I am wondering how it is you missed the most hilarious moment in that movie, where we discover what happened to Mary?

Towards the end of George’s lesson, when he’s realizing how truly awful everything would be if he’d never been born, he has a horrible thought. Mary! What’s happened to Mary?! He demands to know from Clarence, who doesn’t want to tell him. “You’re-you’re not going to like it George!”

And the suspense is killing us. What could have happened? I mean, we’ve already seen the entire town go to hell. His brother is dead, so are all the people his brother saved in WWII. The pharmacist he worked for is a criminal and a drunk, and Clarence doesn’t want to say what happened to Mary? Why? Is she dead? A destitute alcoholic? Married to a horrible abusive man?

But no! It is a fate much worse than all of those put together! Because George was never born, Mary never married! She-she became a librarian! The horror!!!

*screams and faints*

And that, that is the most questionable moment from “It’s a Wonderful Life.”

Marisa, you are awesome. That’s very funny.

Christmas Orders Deadlines: Dec. 11th (Intl), Dec. 17th (US)

Just a heads up for Canadians, Brits, Aussies, Kiwis, Europeans, and the 4,800 Sheldon readers in Kuala Lumpur:

Thursday, Dec. 11th is the last day to order from the Sheldon Store and get it there by Christmas!

Americans! You have until Dec. 17th to get your orders in, provided you’re not using “Media Mail”. If you’re ordering via First Class or Priority Mail…you’re fine up until the 17th. We’ll still be shipping daily after that, but any orders after the 17th will be a little too close for comfort.

So get your orders in now, because the postman’s deadlines are knockin’!

Dang Them and Their Dang Viral Advertising

I gotta admit, when a Sheldonista sent me this, I didn’t immediately spot this as viral advertising. That’s how clever the text-integration is. It’s clever.

Verrrrry clever.

All the more so, because there was an 8-year old part of me that was going “Finally! The theme park recognition I’ve always wanted….”

“Nerds on Parade” Now on Sale!

Copies of the fifth Sheldon collection, “Nerds on Parade”, are now available in Ye Olde Sheldonne Store! Huzzah! Huzzah, I say!

I’m realizing, after an e-mail from a new Sheldon reader today, that I haven’t described the Sheldon books to new readers. That’s my bad: I had assumed most of you would be familiar by now — but with new folks, of course that’s not the case! So let me take a second to explain “Nerds on Parade”….

This book is 128-pages of collected Sheldon strips, crisply printed in high resolution. It picks up where the last book, “Blizzard of Lizards”, left off. It includes storylines such as: The Embodiment of Wikipedia, The Libary Summer Reading Contest, Arthur’s Time Travel to the Future, Flaco’s Rescue Flight to Mexico in his Little Ridiculous Plane, Arthur ‘n Flaco Living in the Barbie Dream House, “Lost” Moments from Lord of the Rings, and lots more.

Like all the other Sheldon books, “Nerds” looks and feels really slick: The heavy-stock covers are matte-laminated, so they feel super soft, and the printing is crisp as all get out…so you see all sorts of details you may not see online.

The book is just $15, and there are a few dozen Artist Editions (see earlier post) left at $30.

And if you’re looking to start your Sheldon collection, there are plenty of options. You can start with Nerds on Parade of course, or go back to book one, Pure Ducky Goodness. And if you want to pick them all up, you have the option of the
5-Pack of all the Sheldon Collections, or the
6-Pack, which has the collections, plus the “Pugs” book.

All the books are little bundles of awesomeness. And “Nerds on Parade” (Click for larger cover image), is every bit the great collection you’ve come to expect.

Pick up your copy in the Sheldon Store!

The Shippins Is Shippin’ Out!

In good news, pretty much every Sheldon Store order to date is out the door! Last Friday and Saturday were pretty productive days, but today was a particularly impressive shipping day ’round these parts. We upped our same-day shipping record by about 100 packages. Which, for a tiny li’l mom ‘n pop operation like ours, is pretty good! Here’s a shot of our morning shipment. [The afternoon shipment wasn’t half the size — hence, no cool photo.] 🙂