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Bedford Falls’ Bajillion-Dollar Pool

Lots of responses to today’s strip! As has been rightly pointed out by many, the pool featured in “It’s A Wonderful Life” was the real-life pool of Bevery Hills (where else!) High School.

I only have one friend in LA who went to BHHS…so let’s ask her publicly: Jacky, is that ridiculous pool still in use at the school?

Funniest response to today’s strip came from Sheldonista Karen P.:

I forwarded today’s comic to my sister-in-law who is a big Jimmy Stewart/”It’s a Wonderful Life” fan. I thought she’d really get a kick out of it. She sent me this reply:

“The funny thing about this is I actually believe my dad had mentioned that when the Williamsport (Pennsylvania) High School was built -and don’t ask me when-, but their pool area actually does do this. Unbelievable.”

Should I pop her in the mouth for the sake of the school the next time I see her?

I think, yes, please do, Karen. 🙂

Artist Editions Are Go!

(Click for larger image.)

“Nerds on Parade” will be on sale Monday in the Sheldon Store, but Artist Editions are available now! Woo-hoo!

The Artist Editions are stamped, numbered, autographed, and each contains an awesome sketch inside. There are only 300 of them, and once they’re sold, no other “Nerds on Parade” books sold online will contain a sketch.

And, if you’re a new Sheldon reader looking to start your collection, you can pick up the Artist Edition of “Nerds” along with the other books in a bundle pack — and even save some dough.

Pick up your copy over at the Sheldon Store!

[Edited to note: After the newsletter subscribers got their crack at ’em, there are now only 120 left of the Artist Editions.]

And the rad pics keep comin’ in…

Man! ‘Tis the season for funny pics! Today’s was sent in by Sheldonista Tina N., who writes:

“My pug, Pax, loves your book just as much as I do, apparently. Loves to EAT it, that is…”

Tina, send me your address and I’ll send you a replacement book. It’s the least I can do for the great pic!


HA! This might be the best use of the manatee shirt I’ve ever seen.

Sheldon reader Will N. sent this puppy in, and Will, you genuinely made my day!

(The tie is what sells it for me…)

I Can Imagine This Happening With My Wife and I…

Sheldonista Ulrike P. sent in this funny little anecdote, this morning:

Imagine the following scene:

Husband and wife return home. Wife takes a large envelope from the mail box, and proceeds to unlock the door. Once inside, she looks at the envelope. Husband, entering behind her, spots the label on the envelope, sees that it says “Sheldon Comics” and snatches it from wife, exclaiming “Don’t look at my mail!”. He throws it face-down on the table to hide the label. Wife points out that there is a label on what appears to be the other side of the envelope that gives her name. Husband and wife discover that a) their local mail man bundles envelopes to the same address with a rubber band, b) they both made an order from the Sheldon store, and c), there will most probably be a duplicate gift this Christmas.

Double-Check Your Address When Ordering

One quick request: When ordering from the Sheldon Store,
please double-check your shipping address before completing your order.

Lots of times, folks have moved since they last made a purchase, but they haven’t updated their address with Paypal. We ship to the address that’s provided in your order…and if an old address is in there, that’s unfortunately where it ends up.


Catchin’ Up On Reader Mail…

Time to share some reader e-mail from around the world! I’ve been slow in sharing all the pics, links, and stories folks send me — my apologies for that. I get a lot of e-mail every day, and I respond to every single e-mail I get…but that usually means I don’t have time to *share* the funny ones with everyone else. But I’ll try to catchup over the next few weeks. Anyway….to the mailbag!

1.) Sheldonista John U. writes in that Brigitte loved her birthday gift of Sheldon Original Art, and has added it to their collection. And dang! Based on that wall in the background, it’s a growing collection! Anyway, I’m so glad you like it, Brigitte!

2.) South African Sheldon reader and fellow pug owner Leighann sends in an awesome pic of her two pugs Aldo and Lucy. I love this shot of them at the beach:

3.) Adam M. sent in this pic of his pug “Rosie” getting a copy of Pugs: God’s Little Weirdos for her birthday. Adam writes, “Your strip inspired me to get my pug, who has been a bundle of joy, energy and hassle in my life.” I apologize wholeheartedly, Adam, for the pug hair that is no doubt everywhere in your home, now. ‘Tis the downside of owning a pug. But on the bright side, Rosie looks awesome.

4.) Sheldonista David M. sent in a great shot of his Sheldon Original Art all framed up (…and specially presented on the floor, apparently?). The black frame with white matte is a nice choice:

5.) Also, Isaac J. sent in a great link, settling once and for all who would win in a “Star Trek vs. Star Wars” battle.

Thanks again to everyone who’s taken the time to write. I really, really enjoy hearing back from folks — and not just when I misspell “onomatopoeia” or “Pangea” in the strip. So thank you!