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Pirates vs. Ninjas vs. Dental Hygienists

I love it when ridiculousness begets ridiculousness. After Gramp mentioned some potential Facebook group called “Pirates vs. Ninjas vs. Dental Hygienists” in *this*
strip, a Rhodes College Sheldonista sent me an e-mail saying someone had promptly set up such a group on Facebook. 🙂

It’s here, in case you wish to join the pitched battle!

Just remember: Fight with honor, fight with strength, then turn and spit! ‘Tis the Dental Hygienists way!

Reaction Shot ‘O The Day

Sheldonista Anne A. sent in this great shot of her daughter Sarah opening her What Would a Klingon Do? shirt.

Sarah’s a big Star Trek: DS9 fan, but didn’t recognize what the shirt was saying at first, until her mom pointed out the Klingon bat’leth symbols on the sides. The first shot, which I really love, is her laughing response to it. Thanks Anne, and thanks Sarah!

(…and for everyone who’s wondering, the WWAKD? shirt is currently not being stocked in the Sheldon Store, but we may have it again for Christmas ’09.)

Arlington, Virginia Appearance! Feb. 13-15

Heads up for Virginians, Washingtonians (of the “DC” variety) and east coasters in general: I’ll be appearing as a special guest at Katsucon
along with my Halfpixel stablemates Brad Guigar and Kris Straub.

The show runs at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City in Arlington, VA from February 13-15, 2009.

For all three days of the convention, I’ll be giving out free, personalized sketches…and will of course have all five Sheldon collections, the “Pug” and “How To Make Webcomics” books, shirts, Glornaks, and copious high-fives. I’ll also have Sheldon Original Art, so if there was one strip you had your eye on, make sure to e-mail me to ensure I bring *that* one. The Original Art will be at the convention price of 25 smackers off. (Dollars, not kisses.)

I’ll also be appearing on two web-focused panels while there:

SAT, 10-11 AM: “Print, Web, or Both: What Should a Comic Artist
Do?”, and…

SUN 11-12 PM “How To Make Money
While Giving Your Content Away Free”

The Halfpixel guys and I were hoping to talk at American University while we were there, but it looks like that won’t pan out. So! If you have an college art or web program, and would like us to come talk while we’re there, drop me a line. (Here’s what other folks have said about past talks of ours.)


For those of you who use Twitter, I should mention that I’m “davekellett”.

Today it occurred to me that, despite the 6 or 7 months that I’ve been using Twitter, I’ve never actually mentioned it here. So! Amending that! ….”davekellett”.

Hey HEY! The “Phables” book is comin’!

I have some great news about my good friend and co-author Brad Guigar. His Eisner-nominated strip “Phables” is coming to book form!

You’ve probably heard me talk about Phables before: It’s a beautifully drawn, full-page, slice-of-life comic that Brad creates about Philly for the Philadelphia Daily News.

I really think it’s some of Brad’s best work, both as an illustrator and a story-teller. Treat yourself to a copy today…I know you’ll enjoy it.

Miami Report: Quick Version

A longer write-up with more pics to follow, but here’s the quick version of the recent goings-on in Miami:

– South Beach Comedy Festival: Really fun to perform there.

– Our play in said festival: Great reception, (standing-o), and they want us back! So huzzah, I guess!

– Having Dave Barry, one of my personal heroes in comedy writing, perform right before we went up: Personal highlight.

– Meeting really cool Floridian Sheldonistas at the Friday signing: Very, very fun.

– Running into some of them afterward at the Ghiradelli chocolate place four doors down, and realizing we’re very much kindred spirits: Hilarious.

….Anyway, a more in-depth write-up is still to come. In the meantime, here’s a cool shot of our cast with Dave Barry before both our shows went up.

Miami Events (…Which Will Make You More Awesome)

Miami residents! I have *TWO* fun Sheldon-related events to invite you to:

1.) SOUTH BEACH COMEDY FESTIVAL: Thursday, Jan 22nd, 9:00PM at The Colony Theatre, my wife and I will be performing onstage at Comedy Central’s South Beach Comedy Festival. We’re debuting my wife’s fantastic new play, “Tied in Knots”. Check it out: Variety even featured the play in yesterday’s issue! And Dave Barry’s the opening act, so what the heck… make it a big night of comedy!

It’s at the very, very cool Colony Theater, 1040 Lincoln Rd., Miami Beach, FL 33139 | (305) 674-1040

2.) SHELDON TALK/BOOKSIGNING: On Friday, Jan 23rd, 8-9:30, I’ll be at Miami Beach’s famous Books & Books for a Talk/Q&A/Booksigning! I’ll be talking about Sheldon, Webcomics, and the new ways artists can make a independent career for themselves online. Should be a fun talk…with a Q&A, booksigning, free sketches, and high-fives to follow!

It’s at Books & Books (new!) location at 927 Lincoln Rd., Miami Beach, FL, 33139 | (305) 532-3222

“Comic Artist Helps Newlyweds be Awesome on First Christmas”

…that was the subject line from Sheldonista Andy K, who wrote in to say:

I just wanted to send you an extra thanks. I had ordered an Artist Edition copy of both the most recent book and “Pugs”. When the package showed up I saw the little sticky note on the Pugs book that said “300” and I got all fanboy excited. I have been giving your books to my wife as Christmas and Valentine gifts (we just got married on Dec 4th) since we were first dating […] I had remembered that back on November 26th you had talked about how you had an extra special sketch in that one and I had thought to myself “Boy! It would be neat to get that.” then promptly forgot about it until I saw that little sticky note with “300” on it. I peeked inside before I wrapped it and it _is_ awesome. I know she will be even more excited than I am when she gets it. I will send you a picture of her with the book after Christmas. So thanks again for a wonderful present and for making me look good on our first married Christmas.

Making good on his promise, Andy sent in this photo, today. Thanks, Andy!

Speaking of Artist Editions…there are only 21 Artist Edition copies of “Nerds on Parade” left, including that final #300 with the super-panoramic drawing in it! You can grab one of the remaining Artist Editions either by itself, or with the rest of the collection!

And with luck, you’ll snag that last one, and get #300 like Andy did!

Pics from around the world…

There are a lot of photos to catch up on from Sheldonistas, so let’s dive in!

Angelo A. from Brazil sends in this pic, saying “Sheldon has definitely taken root in Brazil.” (I just love that it’s shelved next to Virgil! I also love that he has a copy of the [now very rare] college collection of my cartoons, “A Well Balanced Meal”!)

Sheldonista Abby H. sends in a pic of her husband, showin’ off his new Glornak sticker…

Sheldonista Jodi T. sends in a pic of her husband Jim, who hit the jackpot of gifts, with Pugs, Nerds and an original!

Here’s a pic of Clayton N. unwrapping the entire Sheldon book collection…

Sheldonista Andres G. from Switzerland sent in his translation of a recent Sheldon strip…and I thought it fun to show you a panel of it…

After the recent Shakespeare storyline, Sheldonista Corey H. and her mom sent in this pic at the rebuilt Globe theatre. When they were there, Corey says “I turned to my mother and whispered, “Didst thou just write the word rootie-toot-zoot-zootie in mine script?” to which my mother replied, “Made it up. Shakespeare. Bam.” Awesome.

Thanks to all for sending in your pics and stories! Keep them coming!