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8 to 68

Sheldonista Tricia J. sent in a great shot from her home, showing Sheldon readers, “8 to 68”. Thanks for this, Tricia, I love this shot!

Does anyone else have a wider age range of Sheldon readers in their house? 7 and 77, perhaps?


Talk/Signing Added! Miami! Jan 23rd! 8PM!

Miami residents! Floridians in general! I come bearing news! I will be there Friday, Jan. 23rd at Books & Books‘ *NEW* store in Miami Beach for a Talk/Q&A/Booksigning! Which will be awesome for all involved, and which I know you will not miss, as I will be puttin’ some prit-ty rad drawings in all six Sheldon books.

It all starts at 8PM and will go until 9 or 9:30, depending on how much fun we’re having with the talk and stuff. I’ll be speaking about Sheldon and cartooning, of course, but I’ll also be talking about the new life for artists online: How webcartoonists like myself make a living by giving our art away for free. (So if you know of local High School or university art students/professors who might find that interesting, pass along word! That portion of the talk will be a compressed version of what our book “How To Make Webcomics” is all about.)

I never, ever, ever get to go to Florida, so I know you’ll make the effort to come out…because it’s going to be fun. Anyway, here are the details:

WHAT: Awesomeness

WHEN: Jan. 23rd, 8-9:30 PM

WHERE: Books & Books (new!) store at 927 Lincoln Rd., Miami Beach, FL, 33139 | (305) 532-3222

HOW: Here’s a Google Maps Directions Link.

WHY: Because you enjoy good times, high fives, and free sketches

WAIT: Ooo, and if you’re coming, drop me an e-mail) so we know how many to expect!

My Birthday!

I forgot to mention my birthday, but I got a few dozen e-mails from readers who remembered from last year and dropped me a note…which was nice.

Since it’s my birthday, can I ask you to do one kind thing for your friendly neighborhood cartoonist: Before the day is over, could you share Sheldon with *one person* in your life who has never seen/heard of the strip? That would be the bestest birthday gift ever, for me.

And sure, you can e-mail more than one person, or blog about it or whatever…but I know you’re busy in life, so I’ll just ask you to e-mail the strip to *one person*, if you can.

To make it easy, I’ll even write up a basic e-mail you can modify and send. Just click here to send it!)

(Note: That link probably won’t work on web-based mail systems like Yahoo/GMail/Hotmail. So here’s the text you can copy/paste: )

Check out this comic strip ‘Sheldon’ at https://sheldoncomics.com — I think you’ll like it! New strips are up 7 days a week, and you can read it on the the site, via RSS, or by daily delivery to your e-mail. (Here’s a good intro to the strip: https://sheldoncomics.com/new.html ).

Truly, They Have The Heart of the Manatee

Sheldonista Tiffany F. sent me some great shots featuring their Mind of a Ninja, Body of a Manateeshirts….

In the second shot, I love the pose on the left. Allow me to mix my martial arts and reference Kung Fu: If the central pose is “Crane Style”, the one on the left is a litttttttle bit closer to “Giant Tree Sloth Style”. I love the hands and the awkward half-crouch.

Thanks for the awesome pics, Tiffany!

Arthur in Real Life

I have a lot of pictures to share with you guys sent in during the last week or two. But we’ll start off with the pics sent in by Sheldonista Leslie P…

Leslie’s a new reader to “Sheldon”, but after plowing through the archives in record time, she decided she needed to make her own plush Arthur, and all his little outfits to match.

Here he is writing a letter, perhaps to God

Here he is, sitting up on his famous lamp

And here he is in superhero mode, dressed up as his alter-ego “The Duck”

And, in a shot that I almost overlooked, here he is Googling “horses beggars wishes” like he did in this strip

Leslie, you are awesome. Thank you so much for these pics.