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LA Festival of Books: Good Times

A huge thank you to everyone who came out to the LA Festival of Books this weekend! I didn’t know what to expect from an outdoor book festival with 130,000 people…but now I do: Patented Good Times. Thanks also to the folks at Image Comics, who were nothing but kind hosts and awesome all around.

As it turns out, there are an awful lot of Sheldonistas in the LA area. ‘Twas a busy weekend, and a fun one, thanks to everyone who came by! But now that I know you’re all here, you’re on notice: I expect all of you to turn out for the Beverly Hills book-launch party later this summer!

Speaking of summer: The next appearance for me is the big ol’ San Diego Comic-Con, July 22-26. San Diego is the big enchilada of the comics world…and if you’ve never been, try it out! (There are still tickets for Thursday and Sunday available, I notice!)

Appearance Bumped Back: Metropolis Comics

Heads up to folks in Bellflower, CA: Due to a family function in San Diego, I’m unfortunately going to miss the “Free Comic Book Day” signing at Metropolis Comics on May 2nd.

But! Fear not! The kind store owners and I agreed I’ll come for a signing ’round-about September…so I’m-a still comin’!

My apologies in the meantime — and I’ll see you in September!

Balrog Prints Are In!

The Balrog prints are in, and they came out great! We have enough extra for about 50 more orders…so if you were thinking about snagging one, head on over to The Sheldon Store. We’ll have them in there for six more days.

Click To Enlarge

This Weekend! LA Festival of Books!

Quick reminder: This Saturday & Sunday, from 10-5 both days, I’ll be at the Los Angeles Festival of Books, signing and sketching at the Image Comics booth (#752).

I’ll have copies of the one-off “Balrog” poster, all the Sheldon books, “How to Make Webcomics”, and Original Art for $25 off the normal price.

Image Comics booth (#752) is in the special comics area known as “The Comic Strip”, and there are a whole host of comics pros who’ll be there signing and saying hi.

So come on out! Admission is free, the weather’s gonna be fantastic…and this is one of the rare times you can meet me and Salman Rushdie on the same day. 🙂

Sometimes English Makes No &*%$# Sense

Caveat: I have a BA and MA in Literature, and like the rest of the English-speaking world, I have absolutely no understanding of how English actually works or why it does what it does. Zero.

Hidden Secret: No one does. And if they tell you they do, they’re lying. They just know different parts than you do of the imperfect whole.

Case in Point: My use of the phrase “wail on” in today’s strip. Growing up in Southern California, I always heard surfers use the phrase to describe punishing surf. I thought I was using a slang phrase correctly with “wail”, but I had a dozen professors and professional editors pounce on me this morning. In the interest of sharing, here’s how my intensive, five seconds of subsequent research netted out:

Apparently, there are two official ways it works: Both whaling on and waling on. I honestly didn’t even realize it had been codified, and thought I was using some street-slang form: waling on. As it turns out, all I ended up doing was picking the one conceivable form where it *doesn’t* officially work! 🙂

Interestingly, if you type in “wail on” into Google (always useful to see how commonly used a phrase is in everyday life — English ain’t following L’Academie francaise rule book, after all), you get 366,000 matches.

Typing “whale on” gets you 7,500,000 matches.

And typing “wale on” gets you 2,670,000 matches.

So there you have it! Even in the court of public opinion, I failed utterly, and picked the absolute worst option of the three. English: It’s Awesome!

Let’s Do It, Then: Balrog Poster Now On Sale!

Judging by my clogged inbox, it’s clear there’s plenty of interest in the Balrog poster, so here we go: Balrog posters are available for 9 days in the Sheldon Store.

We’ll have them this weekend at the LA Festival of Books, as well, but I heard from enough desperate Canadians, Australians and Brits saying they’d never make it to LA in time. So what the heck: Between now and next Friday, we’ll have the Balrog poster up for all comers, worldwide! Snag yours today, before it falls into the pit of Khazad-dûm. (…What?)

Click To Enlarge

Proud Uncle Moment

Over Easter weekend, my 10-year old nephew Ben gave me a pretty awesome gift: Hand-drawn (“Not traced!” I was clearly told) pictures of all the Sheldon characters.

I would be remiss, as an uncle, if I didn’t share a few of them with all of you. 🙂

Thanks, Ben!

Sneak Preview: LA Festival of Books Poster

For those coming to the LA Festival of Books this weekend, here’s a preview of the Sheldon poster which we’ll have exclusively at the show: “What was going through the Balrog’s mind when he fought Gandalf?”:

(I’m still tinkering with background colors, but you can click [HERE] for a larger preview image]

If there’s extra demand for it, we may bring it into the store, I suppose. But for now, come on out this Saturday and Sunday for your exclusive show poster! Only at the LA Festival of Books!

Tech Support and Doctor’s Visits

Sheldonista John J. sent me an interesting e-mail, today, that I thought I’d share. I don’t know if it’s true, per se, or even provable, but there’s enough of a true-ism in there that it’s an interesting food-for-thought.

Anyway, John was saying that the recent tech-support strips (especially the one where you had to bring *your* computer to the source of help):

2, and this one

had reminded him of the death of doctor’s house calls:

Supposedly the act of doctors making housecalls was killed by the rising popularity of telephones. The system was self-balancing when the patient (or their family) had to put in a little effort – namely, getting out of bed in the middle of the night and traveling to the doctor’s residence in whatever weather they expected the doctor to travel in. But as soon as the investment became unbalanced – the doctor was expected to travel in any weather, but the family only had to pick up the phone – the writing was on the wall for house calls.