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Attention, GMail Users!

I’m getting a lot of e-mails from GMail users, saying they’re not getting their daily Sheldon-by-Email delivery in their inbox.

For some reason, GMail’s filters are handling Sheldon like spam. (Boo, GMail!) To fix that, just do this:

Go into your GMail account, click on “Contacts” (should be on the lower-left side of the screen), and add this e-mail address as one of your “new” contacts:

[email protected]

Even Google can be lame, sometimes…but this should fix it.

Observation o’ the Day

You’ve boarded your plane, you’ve found your seat, and you’re waiting for everyone else to board. Awesome.

You look out the window, down at all the utility vehicles drivin’ around the plane, and that’s where things get weird:

These trucks aren’t just modified Fords and Chevys: They’re weird, squished, alternate-universe permutations of normal road vehicles. Ain’t nobody at an airport driving anything approximating a “car” or a “truck”: These are vehicles that look like they should be drivin’ around the town of Stumpyville. Like they should be driven by Gimli, son of Gloin.

The dwarves fled the fires of Smaug, my friends, and are now baggage handlers.


On Bad Surnames

There’ve been a few funny e-mails regarding the recent strips. Mostly stories of local businesses in their town, such as “Crapo Insurance” or “Crapo Transmission Repair”….stuff like that. But Sheldon reader Ginger S. wrote in with one of my favorites:

“Just wanted to say I’ve been laughing really hard at the Crapo storyline right now, mainly because I have a Crapo story, too.

The Crapo family donated money to my undergrad university to remodel a building into a theatre. Normally the school would have named the theatre building after the family but the idea of the Crapo Theatre made them change their minds. Over 20 years later the theatre is still called the New Theatre. There’s a lovely plaque in their honor…but the idea of the Crapo Theatre always made me laugh. “

Ha! I love it. “Crapo Theatre” particularly cracks me up.