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Otherwise Sweet Child + Nerf Guns = ?

Do you remember the strips we had last week about Nerf guns, Link and Link?

Well, spring-boarding off that, Sheldon reader Kerrie L. sent in this awesome montage of her son Corry Reilly…and I had to share it with you:

Comic Recommendation o’ the Month

Fellow Los Angeleno cartoonist (and new dad!) Kazu Kibuishi has a new book out: Copper. And after diving into my copy at home, I wanted to highly recommend it to you all: It’s a wonderful, wonderful read.

It’s one of those rare, all-ages comics that is both a visual and life-affirming joy to read. There’s a sweetness to it, and an beautifully drawn line quality that adds a sense of excitement.

And Kazu is, without doubt, one of the most talented cartoonists I’ve ever had the pleasure to know. If his studio wasn’t on the exact opposite side of LA from mine, I would be over there every day bothering him, watching how he works — he’s just fantastically talented.

So! Whether you’re a librarian, a teacher, or just a lover of comics looking for a good read, I highly recommend it.


Hey, so today’s my birthday! I totally forgot to mention that!

Please join me in thanking my folks, as they did all the work for the first few decades.

And if you’d like to do something nice for your friendly neighborhood cartoonist on their birthday, I’ll humbly suggest one thing: Maybe consider telling two people in your life about Sheldon. I know it sounds cheesy, but you’d be amazed how many folks come to the strip by word of mouth. It would be the nicest thing you could do for me on my birthday!


Reader Pics, Squee Edition

I’m still catching up on the great pics that Sheldonistas have been sending in. Next up, Jonathan G. in his Squee shirt, replicating Flaco’s pose:

Nice work, Jon!

Trademarks and Such

This is probably exciting to no one but me, but the trademark for “Sheldon” has moved from a “TM” (unregistered trademark) to an “R” (fancy-shmancy registered trademark), according to the lovely, embossed paperwork I received from the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

So, in addition to all the other new-year changes I have to make to the website, I now have to change all the little TM’s in the html. But that’s a good problem to have!

More Reader Pics

There are more reader pics to share with you over the next few days, but I particularly enjoyed this Christmas pic.

Sheldonista Jessica S. sent in this shot of her dad holding the Sheldon original he got for Christmas. It’s the one where Gramp is pouring over the Home Depot catalog, drooling over tools he could buy.

But the best part? The part that made me laugh? He also got a Home Depot gift card along with it. WAY TO ENABLE HIM, FAMILY. 🙂