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New Prints in the Sheldon Store!

Whaaaat?! 3 new prints in the Sheldon Store, you say? Tell me more!


So, you remember this strip from a few weeks back? It was one of the most popular strips I’ve ever done. And I got so many requests for a print of this, I figured, “heck yeah all right let’s do this.” <—My exact words.

<img src="https://www.sheldoncomics.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/blog_100731.jpg"


The second print is for everyone who plays Fantasy Football or D&D (…or, who has to *deal* with someone who plays Fantasy Football or D&D). This used to be a convention exclusive, but now it’s debuting in the online store!

<img src="https://www.sheldoncomics.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/blog_100731b.jpg"


The third print is for the coffee lovers, who will recognize that, What Coffee Giveth With One Hand, It Taketh Away With The Other. Namely: Energy. It’s the “Coffee: Circle of Life” print!

<img src="https://www.sheldoncomics.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/blog_100731c.jpg"

All of the prints are professionally made on matte-finish photo paper, measure 12″x18″, and look awesome.

We’ll be doing a large run of them on this coming Friday, so please get your order in before then. Thanks!

Guys, I’ma be honest here…

The only reason I drew Friday’s strip was to get to draw the Himalayan Squishie again.

Specifically, panel two, which might just have made my week.

Home Safe ‘n Sound from Comic-Con!

I’m home from San Diego Comic-Con, and it might just have been my favorite Comic-Con ever. Sheldon and Drive readers showed up in numbers I’ve never seen before (…it kinda blew me away a little).

I’ll complete a big write-up about the show later with pictures…but I wanted to mention a few quick things:

1.) If you have any pictures from SDCC that we took together, please e-mail them to me! It’s fun to share those on the blog.

2.) If you were hoping to snag the huge original art to the 3,000th Sheldon strip, you have about an hour left to try…so head on over!

3.) Today’s strip is a little too real to life: Every once in a while, our pug looks intensely concerned about some major world issue. Like only he can solve it, if he just thinks hard enough about it. Which, now that I think about it…is kind of a worrying thought for the rest of us.

3,000th Strip Today!

3,000 strips! That’s a pretty good feelin’, right there.

I can’t thank you guys enough for reading the strip, these past eleven years. Thank you for the e-mails and the kind words; the high-fives and hugs at conventions; and all the support you’ve shown through the Sheldon Store. It’s never lost on me what a blessing my job is — that I get to make people laugh for a living. So thank you! Thank you for making this strip possible!

Want to win a free piece of Sheldon Original Art from the archives? Be the first one to *correctly name or identify* all the characters in the 3,000th strip, and you’ll get your pick of any strip in the archive! Here’s what you do:

1.) Download the entry form, either as a Word document
or as a
Rich Text Format file.
2.) Type out the correct name of each character next to the appropriate number (as seen in the outlined comic image, below). If you’re entry form lists “33” characters, just disregard that, with apologies. It should be “32”. (I’m on the road in SD, and can’t fix it.)
3.) Get super stumped at the random characters that appeared in only one strip, and curse my name a little bit.
4.) E-mail me the completed entry form. Make sure your e-mail has the subject heading “3000th Strip Contest!”.
5.) Be the first e-mail submitted with all the characters correctly named/identified….and WIN!

EDITED TO NOTE: We have a winner! Congrats to Aaron Smith, who nailed it in record time of 1:45 after the strip posted.

So I s’pose I can just list the names, now:

1.) Ed McMammoth
2.) Master Control Program
3.) Mr. T
4.) Tom Bombadil
5.) Baby Admiral Ackbar
6.) The Duck
7.) Dilly Duck (a la Krazy Kat)
8.) Comic Sans
9.) Adam the A-Bomb (from the Crotchley Labs strips)
10.) Larry the Idiot Bird)
11.) Einstein
12.) Coco the Mime, member of the crime-fighting team, Academie Francaise
13.) Tron
14.) Torvak: Vulcan Party Planner
15.) Alfred Lord Tennyson
16.) George Lucas
17.) Dante
18.) Jeannie the Girl Scout
19.) Mr. Flahco (a la Krazy Kat)
20.) Arthur, from the future, with hair plants
21.) Li’l Baby Duck
22.) The Troubler
23.) Chuck Norris
24.) Gramp
25.) JRR Tolkien (drunk)
26.) Flaco
27.) The Living Embodiment of Wikipedia
28.) Dave Kellett
29.) Zod
30.) The Laughing Buddha
31.) The “Hush” lady from “Goodnight Moon”
32.) Oso

If you’re interested, the original art for the 3,000th strip is up for grabs.

The artwork for this comic was, to put it mildly a tad more labor intensive than the usual. It was a maaaaaarathon, drawing this puppy. It ended up being the biggest inked piece I’ve ever done, coming in at 13″x10″. Most amazingly, there is not a single blemish or mistake on the entire piece…despite there being a ga-jillion different characters on it.

So! Rather than let it go to the Sheldonista who got to the site first at 12:05 in the morning…I thought I’d put the original art up on eBay. You can check it out HERE.

I’m starting the bidding at $0.01, because I’d rather leave it up to you guys to decide what it’s worth.

Info for San Diego Attendees

(Reposting this, for those attending San Diego Comic-Con this week…)

San Diego Comic-Con is here, and I want to share three things with attendees:

1.) First up: The Sheldon guide to the show. Click HERE for a big, printable version you can take with you.

2.) All Sheldon original art is 20% off at the show. But! You have to e-mail me now to tell me which strips you want me to bring. Do it now before you forget!

3.) This year, we’ll have five items new to the show: The Literature book, the Drive book, the “Coffee: Circle of Life” print, the “Fantasy Football vs D&D” print, and an exclusive Sheldon/Dante print only available in San Diego to the first 50 takers.

We’ll also have the other 8 books, all the prints, buttons, Glornak stickers, and FREE SKETCHES for everybody.

Here are the two books premiering at the show:

And here are the three prints — the last of which is the San Diego exclusive:

The last print will be numbered “# of 50”, signed, and can feature any sketch you’d like added to it.

So! Booth #1228! Print out the Sheldon guide, above! And e-mail me right away if you wanted a specific piece of original art!



Just a heads up: Next week Drive goes on hiatus while I’m in San Diego. But in two weeks: We Drive it up again, my friends…we Drive it up again.

Sheldon Signing! Tonight! Los Angeles!


Tonight, my friends! Tonight I’m signing with an incredibly talented roster of cartoonists: Meredith Gran, David Malki, Jorge Cham, R Stevens and Zach Weiner aaaaand myself will be signing, sketching and selling books at Secret Headquarters — possibly the coolest comic book shop I’ve ever seen.

I will have advance copies of the “Literature” book on hand, too, so folks who come out get first crack at it! Woooo!


San Diego Comic-Con 2010!

San Diego Comic-Con is almost here, and I want to share three things with Sheldon attendees:

1.) First up: The Sheldon guide to the show. Click HERE for a big, printable version you can take with you.

2.) All Sheldon original art is 20% off at the show. But! You have to e-mail me now to tell me which strips you want me to bring. Do it now before you forget!

3.) This year, we’ll have five items new to the show: The Literature book, the Drive book, the “Coffee: Circle of Life” print, the “Fantasy Football vs D&D” print, and an exclusive Sheldon/Dante print only available in San Diego to the first 50 takers.

We’ll also have the other 8 books, all the prints, buttons, Glornak stickers, and FREE SKETCHES for everybody.

Here are the two books premiering at the show:

And here are the three prints — the last of which is the San Diego exclusive:

The last print will be numbered “# of 50”, signed, and can feature any sketch you’d like added to it.

So! Booth #1228! Print out the Sheldon guide, above! And e-mail me right away if you wanted a specific piece of original art!



It’s Saturday, which means it’s time for our Saturday Sci-Fi Featurette, “Drive”.

For those wishing to read the whole story straight through, you can head over to the temporary Drive site to go through it.

The eventual “full” Drive website will have a breakdown of the story thus far, and what we know about the characters, and all that..but if anyone wants to start a Drive Wikipedia entry in the interim, I’m happy to point to that. It’ll be a nice stop-gap until we can get the full website goin’.

EDITED TO ADD: Rad! Looks like it’s been started! Feel free to add to the Wikipedia entry here.

Let’s Make the Greatest Workout Mixtape EVER

By happenstance, I recently stumbled on what turns out to be greatest gym workout song ever, Daft Punk’s Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger (especially from about 1:30, on). If there was ever a song that was designed for runnin’ or liftin’ weights or doin’ the EFX machine, this is it. And it got me thinking, “What other awesome workout songs are out there that I’ve never come across?”

So I put it to you, friends: What are the best, most inspiring/energetic/manic songs out there for working out?

Let us tackle this task together: Let Us Build The Greatest Workout Mixtape EVER.

(Post your best suggestions below: The lesser-known the song, the better.)