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For anyone who missed the news, our Saturday sci-fi feature, DRIVE, now has it’s own site: HERE.

It includes all the archives, the encyclopedia entries, fan-made extras, and more. Best of all: Your Sheldon forum sign-ins work over there.

And now that that site’s done, I’ll be starting work on a long-overdue Sheldon site re-design. With a caveat: I have one other BIG creative project (the secret one) that’s sucking up all my time. So no guarantees on when the new Sheldon site will be launching. End-of-year, I’d imagine.

But! In the meantime, check out the new DRIVE


Today’s Kale Haiku:

Kale, you nasty. Guhhh.
Somehow, your PR is good.
But you nasty, Kale.

Feel free to top that haiku with one of your own, below. Let’s see who can best summarize this beloved land-coral.

Double-Tall Strips

I realized, recently, that I’ve been creating a lot of double-tall strips rather than my normal, horizontal, 3- to 4-panel strips.

It’s interesting to notice, now that I have: Go back over the last two weeks, for example, and notice how many times I’ve done it.

What is my subconscious trying to tell me, I wonder, that I’m creating bigger comics?

Questions that have popped up…

Since the site launched, a few questions have popped up, and I thought I’d try to tackle ’em:

@Lonely Goatherd “The RSS link at the top right is broken.”

Should be fixed, now! Showin’ up for me on Google Reader — but let me know if there are problems.

@nanitadequatro “(site) won’t let me use my Sheldon info to sign up. A bit confusing, but I’ll live…”

That’s no good. Did you try logging in with your normal Sheldon details…and it still didn’t work? If so….e-mail me your details, and I’ll see what’s happening.

@ taeraresh “There’s a typo on the ‘cast’ page – “press-ganged into a uniqe mission”.


….workin’ on that. Should be do-able.

@RArcher “Is there anyway to add in the ability to sign up to recieve the Drive Comic on the same email I get Sheldon on? Like maybe a selection form of comics I want to recieve in my profile manager?
Yep! Just do this:
– Log in to the DRIVE site, here: http://drivecomic.com/users/login.html?destination=/forums/drivetalk/
– Then, go to your account info, here — http://www.drivecomic.com/users/ — and click the little-little box indicating you’d like to receive “stuff” from DRIVE. (We’ve made that term un-helpfully un-specific.)

@modlin “I’d prefer it if the forward/back arrows were moved up on the comics, or placed at the top and at the bottom. Or something.
For example, after reading the current Drive comic, I find myself wanting to scroll past the last ‘Machito’ storyline comics to the previous ‘Maker/Continuum’ ones to refresh myself, and I have to scroll down at each page to go back again to get to the arrows on my laptop screen.”

The good news is there are three ways to navigate the strips, forward and backward. On either side of the strip, you’ll see arrows going in either direction. But! Above AND below each strip, in the red bar of links, you’ll find links for “First”, “Previous”, “Next” and “Latest”.

Hope that helps!


La Familia

Drive reader Matt D. sent in this interesting bit ‘o news. There’s apparently a drug cartel in Mexico that operates under the nom de guerre of “La Familia”:

Here is a quote from the article …”The defendants allegedly have ties to “La Familia,” a Mexican drug cartel that operates in that country and the United States. According to an affidavit in support of the arrest warrants, the cartel is known to distribute large quantities of cocaine, marijuana and crystal methamphetamine.”

The DRIVE site is here!!!

Friends, the long-promised DRIVE site is finally here! Tell your friends! Tell your cat! Tell your friend’s cat!

I gotta tell you…this feels good. It feels right. DRIVE was something I had wanted to start for years…and you guys were very kind to let me dabble with it, here, on Saturdays. But it deserves its own site. It needs its own site. And now it’s got one! So head on over! Poke around a little — see what’s shakin’.

Tyler Martin of MindFaucet did a lovely job designin’ it, and my awesome host and tech guru Phillip at Dumbrella Hosting worked wonders implementing it into his architecture. I can’t thank those two enough.

Some thoughts, for those interested:
1.) Will DRIVE still appear on Sheldon on Saturdays?
For the time being, yes. At least for a few more weeks, to help folks transition over who’ll miss this announcement. Longer term….I honestly haven’t made up my mind.

2.) Will DRIVE update on Saturdays at the new site?
It’ll get moved to Wednesdays, probably.

3.) Will there be more than one DRIVE per week?
This is something I’d *love* to do, but time is a big factor, here. Know that I really want to…but am just not sure if I can, yet. DRIVE got started, and continues, as a labor of love more than anything else…so I find time for it whenever I can.

4.) Is this DRIVE site the secret creative project you mentioned, a long time ago?
No, that’s somethin’ else. Somethin’ I haven’t talked about, yet. (…not out of mystery, mind you: I’ve just learned that creative projects that get talked about, aren’t creative projects that get finished.)

5.) If I notice abug in the new DRIVE site, how do I tell you?
Any bug reports are welcome via e-mail or forum comments — with huge thanks! As with any new site, there’ll be some hiccups as we go (so far…with the RSS, some of the CSS colors, and some of the user-signup stuff), but that’ll all get ironed out in the next week or two.


Friends, the long-promised DRIVE site is finally here! Tell your friends! Tell your cat! Tell your friend’s cat!

I gotta tell you…this feels good. It feels right. DRIVE was a project I had wanted to start for years…and you guys were very kind to let me get a runnin’ start with it at Sheldon on Saturdays. But it deserves its own site. It needs its own site. And now it’s got one!

Tyler Martin of MindFaucet did a lovely job designin’ it, and my awesome host and tech guru Phillip at Dumbrella Hosting worked wonders implementing it into his architecture. I can’t thank those two enough.

In answer to some of the questions I’m already gettin’ about the new site….:

1.) Will DRIVE still appear on Sheldon on Saturdays?
For the time being, yes. At least for a few more weeks, to help folks transition over who’ll miss this announcement. Longer term….I honestly haven’t made up my mind.

2.) Will DRIVE update on Saturdays at the new site?
It’ll get moved to Wednesdays, probably.

3.) Will there be more than one DRIVE per week?
This is something I’d *love* to do, but time is a big factor, here. Know that I really want to…but am just not sure if I can, yet. DRIVE got started, and continues, as a labor of love more than anything else…so I find time for it whenever I can.

4.) Is this DRIVE site the secret creative project you mentioned, a long time ago?
No, that’s somethin’ else. Somethin’ I haven’t talked about, yet. (…not out of mystery, mind you: I’ve just learned that creative projects that get talked about, aren’t creative projects that get finished.)

5.) If I notice abug in the new DRIVE site, how do I tell you?

Any bug reports are welcome via e-mail or forum comments — with huge thanks! As with any new site, there’ll be some hiccups as we go, but that’ll all get ironed out in the next week or two.

6.) Does my “Sheldon” user account work here??

Yes! You can log into the forum just like you would over at Sheldon, easy-peasy. And, if you wanted to sign your user account up to receive the DRIVE strips in your e-mail inbox, as you do with SHELDON, just do this:
– Log in to the DRIVE site, here
– Then, go to your account info, here, and click the little-little box indicating you’d like to receive “stuff” from DRIVE. (We’ve made that term un-helpfully un-specific.)

More questions? Bugs you’ve spotted in the site? Ask ’em below!