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ALA Show: This Weekend in Anaheim!

Librarians! I’m going to be at the ALA show all this weekend in Anaheim (booth #678).
Come on by! I’ll have all the books, all the prints, free sketches, and copious amounts of high fives.

I’ll be there all four days of the show, directly across from my friends at Unshelved. And maybe do me a favor, while you’re at the show: Drag a friend over to introduce them to the strip. The last time I did the ALA show, five years ago, there were a ton of librarians that did that — and I really appreciated it!

ALA Show This Weekend!

Librarians! I’m going to be at the ALA show all this weekend in Anaheim (booth #678).
Come on by! I’ll have all the books, all the prints, free sketches, and copious amounts of high fives.

I’ll be there all four days of the show, directly across from my friends at Unshelved. And maybe do me a favor, while you’re at the show: Drag a friend over to introduce them to the strip. The last time I did the ALA show, five years ago, there were a ton of librarians that did that — and I really appreciated it!

Schedule Update

Hi all! As you probably remember from this blog post update, the production schedule on Drive is taking the hit while I finish the documentary film I’m making.

As expected, the film is taking up very large chunks of my work week. But happily, this should *start* to ease up right around San Diego Comic-Con in mid-July. My thanks for your continued support of Drive in the meantime. I miss the regular updates as much as you do — maybe even more! And I’m really looking forward to diving back into with full force. We’re just gettin’ to the good parts!

The Gardener of Minas Tirith

Thank you for indulging me in the past few days’ stroll through Tolkien.

Every time I’ve finished Return of the King, I’ve always found mysel wondering about the royal gardener assigned to the new White Tree…just sweatin’ it out, terrified of root rot, etc, etc. So this was a fun little character arc to indulge in.

Everyone else in Gondor all happy ‘n excited that Sauron’s gone…and this one dude just FILLED with anxiety.