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Oct 23, 2024
Oct 23, 2024

Pets & Nicknames

Lest you were among those who were worried: Oso’s name has not been changed to “Buddy”. It’s just a playin’-in-the-yard-nickname, as I assume 90% of people have for their pets.

The Human Race: adding to our pets’ overall sense of confusion by changing their names every two weeks.

My favorite Halloween costume ever…

I was cleaning up my computer this morning, and stumbled on this picture from a few years back. It is, by far, my favorite Halloween costume I ever built.

Just thought I’d share, as it made me laugh to see it again….


If you’re like me, and you partially make your choice of coffee shops based on which one has free wifi, might I humbly suggest this awesome Google Maps mashup:


….pretty awesome.

Hey-o! Store News!

Two bits of news to announce in the Sheldon store:

1.) I’ve added a feature where you can zoom in on the book covers for “Pure Ducky Goodness” and “The Good, The Bad & The Pugly”. For folks that have never seen the quality of a Sheldon book first-hand, this gives you an idea of the awesomeness that’s in store for you. In the days ahead, I’ll also be adding a “Peek inside the book” feature, which will show you a few sample pages. Neat!

2.) And in bigger news, the price of original art for a Sheldon Sunday strip has been permanently lowered by $44! For the last few months, I’ve been drawing the Sundays at a slightly smaller size — and rather than charge one price for the older, larger size; and a different price for the new format — it’s now just one, better price for everything! That’s how we roll at the Sheldon Store.

(And remember: to buy the original art from your favorite strip, just click the blue text under the comic that reads “Buy Today’s Original Art!)


As my poor wife can attest, my brain often seizes on a made-up word, witticism, or song…and repeats it ad nauseum until I’ve come up with a new made-up word, witticism, or song to replace it. I’m a bit manic that way.

When I was down in Texas, visiting fellow cartoonists Scott and Kris, the word that happened to be stuck in my brain was “Snap-a-doo.”

Casual use went something like this:

“Hey Kellett, wanna go get some pancakes?


“Hey Kellett, here’s that five bucks I owe you.”


It’s one of those all-purpose words that mean everything and nothing, depending on the inflection you give it. In any case, I used it a lot in Texas.

Kris tells me the word has now infected their conversation, to the point that they now imagine it to be my Shazam summoning word. Hence, this little caricature of me by Kris:

Want…to be…invited…to TED conference…so…badly…

After posting about the TED Photosynth presentation yesterday, I had a lot of readers e-mail me with links to other TED presentations.

TED, to me, is one of those mythical conferences of beauty and light and goodness and intelligence and awesomeness and lots of scientists that didn’t date much in High School. And I want to attend so badly.

Back in my Mattel days, when I was helping to run some sessions of “Project Platypus” (Mattel’s really cool, blue-sky, months-long brainstorming and creativity project), the two places I always wanted to check out were the IDEO San Francisco offices…and the TED conference. Given enough funding and the right creative space, nerds can create some truly awesome things. IDEO does it on an almost daily basis…and TED…well, TED is TED.

Anywho, of all the TED-related items that Sheldon readers sent me yesterday, I liked this one the best.

News from the Head Office

For those among us who advertise online, I’d invite you to check out this little tidbit from Sheldon’s uber-group, Blank Label Comics. Buying into 20 million pageviews for just a few bucks is actually an immense, immense deal. Check it out:


Blank Label Comics, the ground-breaking co-op of independent cartoonists, is partnering with Project Wonderful to launch an ambitious concept in advertising that will offer never-before-seen marketing possibilities.

BLC’s Summer Wonderfest is a limited-time offer through which advertisers can buy ads that will appear across the entire BLC network at the same time. That’s every single Blank Label comic and their forums.

Ads will be purchased through Project Wonderful’s innovative infinite auction model: You bid on an advertising slot, and for as long as you are the high bidder, your ad is displayed. You can bid whatever price you’d like for as long as you’d like: two days, a week, a year – it’s your choice. Read through Project Wonderful’s site, then advertise on Blank Label Comics (including Sheldon) here.

BLC traffics over 20 million pageviews a month. That means that you have a very good chance of buying a phenomenal amount of exposure for much less than you would spend on a traditional cost-per-view basis. Plus, you’re buying a tremendous amount of advertising saturation. Your ad will be seen simultaneously across the Web sites of some of the most popular comics on the Net.

The traditional BLC ad system will return in four weeks, so this is your chance to make an incredible impact for your product, site, comic, or group.

The URLs for the BLC member comics are:

Checkerboard Nightmare: http://www.checkerboardnightmare.com/

Courting Disaster: http://www.courting-disaster.com/

Evil Inc: http://www.evil-comic.com

Greystone Inn: http://www.greystoneinn.net/

Joyce and Walky!: http://www.joyceandwalky.com

Krazy Larry: http://www.krazylarry.com/

Melonpool: http://www.melonpool.com/

Real Life Comics: http://www.reallifecomics.com/

Schlock Mercenary: http://www.schlockmercenary.com

Sheldon: https://sheldoncomics.com/

Shortpacked!: http://www.shortpacked.com/

Starslip Crisis: http://www.starslip.com/

Ugly Hill: http://www.uglyhill.com/

Wapsi Square: http://www.wapsisquare.com/


I make fun of my buddy Bill for workin’ there, but those guys at Microsoft are all right sometimes. Take, for example, Photosynth — their collaboritive project with University of Washington (watch theTED presenation first, then head to the actual Photosynth site). What an amazing application! Can you imagine what it would be like to be a young geography student with an application like this? An architectural student? A history student looking at a much-photographed moment of history?

The one thing I’d be interested to see, based on their reconstructions of real-world, 3-D images based on virtual-world, 2-D images (Flikr, in this case), is how the metadata of “time” would be considered.

Let’s say there’s a Photosynth approximation of Big Ben. But four months from now, the clockface of Big Ben is destroyed by a meteorite, and stands defaced for 18 months while Parliament allocates the funds to fix it.

In a case like that, how do you handle the metadata entries of time when reconstructing a public place by communal photographs? I assume that Photosynth looks for shared data — individual pixel sets that are shared in two disparate photos — and then builds out from there. No problem there. But what happens when an event fundamentally changes an object? From which moment in time do you draw your photos? Some photos will have been taken with the old clockface, some will be taken during the unrepaired period, and others during the post-reconstruction period. Will you end up with a Platonic Ideal of photos — a Big Ben as it is best remembered (and best viewed) from all angles? …an image of Big Ben that ignores any temporary damage, spray-paint protests, etc? Or will you have to create different image sets for different Big Bens in time?

An Immediate About-Face

There has never been a higher and more noble calling than knitting. If human history were to be viewed as a slowly rising plateau, always stretching onward and upward, then knitting would sit high upon its apex as the grandest achievement of which humanity can lay claim. If 2000 random people were sampled, you would consistently find that the knitters among them would be the sexiest, the most intelligent, and the noblest of purpose.

Knitting: the single greatest thing ever.

…now please stop threatening me with sharp knitting objects. It was just an example about magazines! 🙂