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Oct 22, 2024
Oct 22, 2024

The Monkey Wrench

I’m curious to see if there’s a Sheldon reader out that who’s good at explaining fulcrum points and torque and basic physics to me.

…Why is the Monkey Wrench so damn effective in loosing/tightening nuts?

To back up for context: last night at the ol’ Kellett house, our water heater connections all decided to put on a water-and-light extravaganza, a la the Mirage Hotel in Las Vegas. So, like any good husband would, I pulled out the ol’ plumbin’ tools and got to work.

It’s always fun to have an excuse to pull out my Monkey Wrench: I feel like a true “dude” with that baby in my hand. But, as happens every time I use the monkey wrench, I was amazed at how incredibly effective that tool is. It can give a four-year old boy enough torque to build a river-spanning steel bridge.

But what’s the Monkey Wrench’s secret? What key part of a Monkey
Wrench gives it that torque? Is it the weight? The way you grip it? The teeth on it? It’s zest for life?

If you have a simple explanation, let’s hear it over at the SHELDON FORUM.

Caffeine for your Ears

One of the advantages of marrying into a Cuban family is finding out about all the awesome Cuban Salsa and Tropical music you never knew existed.

Putting on some really good Tropical is like caffeine for your ears….it just makes life go with more energy.

Benny Moré, Perez Prado, Buena Vista Social Club, Afro-Cuban All-Stars…all great stuff. But the best of the best, in my mind, is Celia Cruz. This woman could SING. Especially in her later years, when she had this fantastic rasp to her (really powerful) voice…she just sounds amazing.

If you’re in the mood to try a little música cubana, and aren’t familiar with Celia Cruz, pick up a few sample tracks. Here are some of my favorites:

Azucar Negra
Por Si Acaso No Regreso
Cuándo Volverá
Tu Voz
Feliz En Tu Dia

One of my favorites…

In re-arranging the storage files today for the Sheldon originals, I came across this strip, and wanted to share it.

It’s really one of my favorite strips.

Theatrical Goings-On

Theater-lovers! Two announcements of great import!

I’ll be in two plays in LA and NY in the next few months…

The first, “Bedtime Stories,” is a series of world-premiere one-act plays at the National Comedy Theatre, 733 Seward St., Los Angeles. Five of the one-acts are written by my wonderful wife Gloria, and the sixth by “How I Met Your Mother” co-creator Carter Bays.

Get your tickets here!


The second play will be in New York in May: “Skirts & Flirts” will have a one-week run at The Kraine Theatre 85 East 4th Street, NY, NY 10003.

Tickets for the show can be purchased in advance here.

The casts in both plays really shine, with actors from My Name Is Earl, Spiderman 1 & 3, Malcolm in the Middle…and one immensely attractive cartoonist.

If you’re in your 20’s or 30’s, you’ll especially dig both plays…so come on out!

The Hagfish

Sheldon reader Ryan chimes in with this fun fact regarding the 2/28 strip:

Here’s another example of Marine Marketing in Action: most “eelskin” wallets are actually made from a species that is more commonly known as hagfish. It secretes a mucus-like substance as a defensive mechanism when agitated, perhaps one of the more disgusting forms of Darwinism.

“They are long, vermiform and can exude copious quantities of a sticky slime or mucus (from which the typical species Myxine glutinosa was named). When captured and held by the tail, they escape by secreting the fibrous slime, which turns into a thick and sticky gel when combined with water, and then cleaning off by tying themselves in an overhand knot which works its way from the head to the tail of the animal, scraping off the slime as it goes. Some authorities conjecture that this singular behavior may assist them in extricating themselves from the jaws of predatory fish. However, the “sliming” also seems to act as a distractant to predators, and free-swimming hagfish are seen to “slime” when agitated and will later clear the mucus off by way of the same traveling-knot behavior.”

Think anyone would want to buy hagfish, slime eel, or snotfish wallets? And would Luis Vuitton make them?

On a separate note: can I just say how much I love the name “hagfish”? That’s the kind of name that you know didn’t come from a marketing team. It came from a pioneer mountainman named “Scruffy” or “Bucky”…

“See that fish, Buford? The one what with all the slime and what not? I done named it a hagfish.”

Naming Games

Today I learned that adding “sea” in front of any odd or ill-sounding object makes for a great naming game. Try it at home!

Here are some of the alternates, briefly considered for today’s strip:

“Sea Snot”
“Sea Freaks”
“Sea Groin Pulls”
“Sea Earwax”
“Sea Telly Savalas”

…that last one, just for sheer randomness, is wonderful.

Zod in 2008

Sheldon reader Michelle sends word of this awesome presidential development.

This ticket has 64% more Zod than any other candidate I’ve considered.


Which one has the cooler name, I wonder…the Visigoths or the Ostrogoths? “Visigoth” sounds vaguely like an painful eye condition, while “Ostrogoth” sounds like the doctor you go to for ankle and ankle-related problems.

“Oh man, I’m sorry….I can’t go see that terrible movie ‘Ghost Rider’ with you. I’ve got an appointment at the Ostrogoth at 2:30.”

In light of today’s toon, my buddy Howard Tayler sent me a link to this shirt today….pretty funny stuff.