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Oct 22, 2024
Oct 22, 2024

Woo-Hoo! Free Shipping!

To celebrate the big move to creating Sheldon full-time, I wanted to do something that says thank you for supporting the strip. So starting today, and continuing through Sunday, all store orders come with free shipping within the U.S.! Order anything you like…your favorite original artwork, a Pure Ducky Goodness book, or one of the last remaining Artist’s Editions of The Good, The Bad & The Pugly…and get free shipping on the house!

(Sorry, international readers…it’s too ‘spensive to offer free shipping around the globe! I still love you, though!)

Since they’re almost gone…I’d like to offer up something fun. The person that orders the very last copy (#250) of the limited, Artist’s Edition of The Good, The Bad & The Pugly will get an AWESOME sketch. I’ll be spending some solid drawing time on that bad boy…so you won’t be disappointed!

A Notable Day…

My friends, I have a personal note to share.

After 8 awesome years, Friday was my last day working at Mattel Toys. I gave my notice about five or six weeks ago, and have been in preparations ever since to leave my corporate dream job.

I should probably emphasize those last two words…dream job. Mattel was, by any metric you’d like to use, a dream job. It was fun, it was creative, it was energizing, it was filled with talented people from every field imaginable, it spanned the world in scope and travel, and it tapped into abilities and skillsets I didn’t even know I had. And at the end of the day…what you made…were toys! For kids! To make them happy!

Not too shabby, all things considered.

Eight years ago, I started with the company as a fresh-faced writer, naming toys and creating background stories to help light up kids’ imaginative play. Then I became involved with Mattel’s blue-sky creativity initiative, Project Platypus – eventually helping to run the weeks-long brainstorming programs. And in my last stage at the company, I dove into the pure joy of toy design, working on some truly amazing stuff.

I won’t discuss the details of the work itself (not only because of NDAs, but because I still genuinely love the company and want to see its ideas succeed). But I will tell you the one thing that truly matters: I will miss that place, and those incredibly creative people, very much. For 8 years, it was everything you could ask for in a job.

But now, I’m on to a new job that I have been dreaming about for literally decades: Cartooning. Full-time.

So! Tomorrow: less of me waxing nostalgic for my old rad job…and more of me talking about my new rad job.

Onward and Upward!

For those following along, here are the 1,2,3,4,5 previous installments of our Saturday-only storyline.

Almost forgot…

I should mention that there are only a few dozen Artist Editions left for “The Good, The Bad & The Pugly”.

You can never predict how fast these things sell out, but since the final copies of “A Well Balanced Meal” went in about a day, I’ve learned to give folks a fair warning.

Just a reminder: these are the limited edition books, and once they’re gone, no further Pugly Artist Editions will ever be sold. After that, the only way to get a unique, awesome drawing in your book will be to corral me in person. But I’ll demand that you buy me curly fries in trade.

So if you’re interested, and don’t want to have to buy me curly fries, pick up your copy before they’re all gone.

Good News, Bad News & News You Can Use

Three bits of news today:

1.) Sheldon was nominated for the “Outstanding Comedic Comic” Award over at the WCCA’s, which is always fun. I stumbled on this strip, this morning, using the random button, and realized 2006 was a pretty solid year for Sheldon.

Sheldon is up against some pretty funny strips, but it’s nice to get the shout-out, regardless. Also nice: Blank Label picked up nine total nominations!

Outstanding B&W Comic: Starslip Crisis by Kristofer Straub

Outstanding Character Rendering: Ugly hill By Paul Southworth

Outstanding Use of the Medium: Halfpixel by Kristofer Straub

Outstanding Web Design: Starslip Crisis by Kristofer Straub

Outstanding Comedic Comic: Sheldon by Dave Kellett and Shortpacked! by David Willis

Outstanding Sci Fi Comic: Schlock Mercenary by Howard Tayler and Starslip Crisis by Kristofer Straub

Outstanding Superhero/Action Comic: Evil Inc by Brad Guigar

2.) The server seems to have had an electron jump where it should not, as the 1/31/07 strip does not seem to want to post. Let me assure you that it is a life-altering, hilarious strip, and that you should definitely keep your eyes peeled for it when it finally appears, as it may help you with any weight-loss problems, relationship insecurities, work difficulties, or vericose veins. It’s that good. (Dang shame the server picked today to lock up.)

3.) Also! My buddies Kris Straub and Scott Kurtz are launching their big project PVP: The Series Feb. 1st. If you’re a PVP fan — you should definitely check this out!


We’ve seen, of course, that Gramp likes coffee in all it’s permutations.

But in looking for the original Folgers lyrics online (couldn’t find ’em), I did stumble upon this little gem from the Folgers vaults.

My friends, this is not a coffee commercial. This is a relationship that needs an intervention. That guy is a monster.

Names ‘n Things

Every time I drive by a “Linens ‘n Things”, it makes me laugh. What a ridiculous name. It’s like the naming committee got off to a good start…but then suddenly realized that lunch had arrived, and just quickly voted for Linens ‘n Things.

I believe the general mood, as they took the vote, was “Meh.”


And as for Subaru? Ahhh, gentle Subaru. Your cars shall always remain among the pantheon of Citroens and Pontiac Azteks and early-90s Saabs…cars that allowed their owners to broadcast to the world: “I don’t like to look attractive in any way. Please, stop flirting with me and inviting me to parties and fun summer BBQs. Perhaps you didn’t notice, but I drive a Subaru.”

Flaco’s Adventures

For those who may have missed them, here are the 1, 2, 3, 4 previous installments of the Saturday-only storyline.

Flaco’s pose in the last panel made me laugh out loud when I drew it — which is pretty rare. But that little walkin’ pose makes him seem like such a happy lizard.

(…And for those who just recently started reading Sheldon, I should perhaps explain that Flaco has a bit of a talent with his tongue. Although I think this is the first time he’s weaponized it.)

Win a personalized sketch!

So here’s the contest idea: guess which top ten countries generate the most Sheldon readers, and win a free, personalized sketch of your choosing!

As you know, it’s possible to tell where in the world Sheldon readers come from, by country, just by looking at the server logs. 60% from the US, 10% from Canada…etc., etc.

So, in this contest, your job is to guess the top ten countries in that list. Is Bulgaria in there? You’ll have to play to find out!

Just head to the Sheldon forum to play, and enter your list of countries.

And if you’ve never posted on the Sheldon forums — make this your first time, and win yourself that sketch!

It’s “Let’s Joke About Various States” Week (Apparently)

New Jersey, Montana, Mississippi…it’s like geography class all over again ’round these parts!

Having driven through 49 of these 50 u-nited states, I can tell you that I harbor no ill will for Montana. I like Montana. It’s a great state.

And, if I may share a biographical moment with you, Montana is the coolest place in the world to get hit in the square of your back by a dried buffalo patty thrown by your brother, while your attention is focused on the elk you’re trying to photograph.


In other news: have you found Arthur’s MySpace page yet?