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Jan 7, 2025
Jan 7, 2025

Evan Dahm

This story really gutted me.

When you sit and read the 12 pages in one sitting, and experience the slow monotony of life that Alonso plodded through for ten long, boring years — you get this great sense of melancholy for the decision he was facing. And you get such a clear picture of how Alonso’s own harsh treatment from his life in the Empire was echoed right back onto the village, after the crash.

And the Catch-22 of his breaking into the ring.

Oh, I loved it all so much. It had all the elements of a good Twilight Zone, to me, and I couldn’t have loved it more.

And this story is a GREAT example as to why I don’t edit the invited “Tales of the Drive” artists. I would’ve been so tempted to speed up the first few pages, or add in some humor. But none of that was needed, and in fact: Would’ve ruined the mood and tonalities of the story. This is a Drive story I never could’ve told, and I’m so happy it exists. And I’m so happy and grateful to Evan Dahm for agreeing to do it. I want the “Tales of the Drive” stories to expand not only the story universe of Drive, but the ways and means those stories are told, and this did an amazing job of all three of those.

If you’d like to see more of Evan’s work, you can see it at Rice Boy and Vattu on his Tumblr. And of course, if you’d like to tweet any kind words directly to him, he’s on Twitter at @EvanDahm

Drive Cosplay!

A million high-fives to the folks who sent in DRIVE cosplay: This was an awesome show of support for the Kickstarter, and I love it!

Evan Dahm!

Today we’re starting a new TALES OF THE DRIVE, by Evan Dahm of Rice Boy fame!

“The Esteemed Gentleman Alonso, Who Came From the Stars”

This story took me by surprise, when I was lucky enough to read it! It lingers with you, while you unpack and consider the ramifications of the story’s 10-year Catch-22.

It has the feel of one of the more contemplative episodes of Twilight Zone, if you’re familiar with the show: A pace that allows for a slow dawning realization of menace.

I like it! I think you will, too!


And! If you’re not familiar with Evan Dahm’s own excellent work, check out Rice Boy!

San Diego Comic-Con

I’ll be at San Diego Comic-Con Wed through Sun at booth 1228, with a whole BUNCH of convention exclusives! Exclusives like:

– “Pickles” Posters
– “Keeping the Homeland Safe” Pug Posters
– Drive Keychain/Bottle Openers
– Drive All-Key Cards
– And magnets out the wazzoo!*

*(Can’t make it to the show, but want these exclusives? Join up for a quarter at Patreon.com/sheldoncomics or Patreon.com/drive before July 25th to get the secret Patreon store link!)

San Diego Comic-Con!

I’ll be at San Diego Comic-Con Wed through Sun at booth 1228, with a whole BUNCH of convention exclusives! Exclusives like:
– “Pickles” Posters
– “Keeping the Homeland Safe” Pug Posters
– Drive Keychain/Bottle Openers
– Drive All-Key Cards
– And magnets out the wazzoo!*

(Can’t make it to the show, but want these exclusives? Join up for a quarter at Patreon.com/sheldoncomics or Patreon.com/drive before July 25th to get the secret Patreon store link!)

Zach Weinersmith!

I am super appreciative of Zach Weinersmith doing a TALES OF THE DRIVE story for us! If you enjoyed his short as much as I did, you have to check out his daily comic: SATURDAY MORNING BREAKFAST CEREAL!

I’ve now moved his story in the archives, so that you can read it STRAIGHT THROUGH. Star here [http://www.drivecomic.com/archive/160523.html] and click forward!

And of course, here are our previous TALES OF THE DRIVE stories:
– Dylan Meconis: drivecomic.com/archive/150820.html
– Ryan North and Tony Cliff: drivecomic.com/archive/160208.html
– Christopher Hastings: drivecomic.com/archive/151026.html


And! If you want to be super cool: You can say nice things to Zach about his Drive story on Twitter: @zachweiner

New Colorist!

SHORT VERSION: Sheldon has a new colorist, starting today: Beth Morrell!

LONG VERSION: Little fun-fact about me: I’m color blind in the red-green part of the spectrum. For those not familiar with color-blindedness: It doesn’t mean a red chair is invisible to me, or that I see a red chair in black and white (Although my grandfather did! He was 100% color blind!). For me, my color-blindness just means I see a different color from what you see (…sometimes *very* different) when I’m looking at the same red or green chair you’re looking at.

WHICH WAS FINE when, at a young age, I picked an art form that was largely black-and-white. Cartooning was the perfect art form for color blindedness! Black lines on white paper! Bam! Poifect!

BUT THEN THE INTERNET CAME ALONG, and now that the print costs of color printing weren’t a factor anymore, everyone sorta-kinda started to expect color cartoons in their daily webcomics reading.

WHICH WAS FINE, as I sorta figured out workarounds using math, color spectrum guides and Photoshop, to tell me when I was coloring a red chair…red. But coloring was never natural to me.

ENTER BETH MORRELL, a super talented Washington-based artist, who’ll be coloring Sheldons going forward! Beth has an incredible eye, and creates fantastic art in her own right. And though she’ll be coloring Sheldon with a palette that’s very similar to my own, at first, I imagine she’ll start experimenting and branching out into her own subjective choices as time goes on. Which is a very long way of saying: We’re about to get some great, great coloring…starting today!


Please check out Beth’s incredible work at BethMorrell.com! And if you’re inclined to be awesome, welcome her to the land of Sheldonistas on Twitter at bethisomething

A Little Time

Today begins our fourth TALES OF THE DRIVE guest story: “A Little Time”! Zach Weinersmith’s tale will unfold over the next eight weeks, as the crew desperately attempts to fix mistakes made in time travel. You’re going to love it.

And! AND! If you’re not familiar with Zach’s work, make sure you check out Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal: It’s nerdery at it’s finest. Here’s the link: [http://www.smbc-comics.com/]

“That Time” Moved in the Archives

Our third TALES OF THE DRIVE story, “That Time the Veetans Defeated the Tesskans…FOREVER” has been moved in the archives, so now you can read it straight through. The story now begins HERE.

[Additionally, here are the links for our two previous tales, YOUR DISTANT HOMELAND and CUTE THINGS.]


I want to say a huge public thank you to Ryan North and Tony Cliff — two artists I have infinite respect for — for producing such a delightful story in the DRIVE universe. They’d never worked together before, but the story and images they produced melded perfectly, and were a delight to read.

Any time I open up a DRIVE story to guest artists, I do it with one unusual caveat: NO EDITING FROM ME. I bring in artists I trust, and then let them run free to write and draw what they like. A.) Because it’s a sign of respect to their time and talent, and B.) Setting them loose in such a way often produces their best work. And boy was that the case, here. I loved this story. Loved, loved, loved it.


If you loved it, too, PLEASE TAKE A SECOND TO TELL THE ARTISTS ON TWITTER. It always means a lot to artists to hear a kind word!

@ryanqnorth | https://twitter.com/ryanqnorth

@tangocharlie | https://twitter.com/tangocharlie

And make sure you check out their work!




And on Monday: We begin Zach Weinersmith’s story, “A Little Time”!