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People Are Rad.

I always like to give a public “thank you” when a Sheldonista surprises me with something kind…but I’ve just now realized I never thanked two Baltimore-based readers for an *awesome* gift (below) that they gave me at Baltimore Comic-Con.

I’m still astounded when I go to a convention and people show up with gfts. I won’t lie: It’s a lovely thing — but it’s still such unexpected kindness. There have been dozens of Sheldonistas that show up with gifts of Hobnobs, most likely based on this strip (…and Lord knows those cookies rarely last an hour in my hands.)

But occassionally people go waaay above and beyond in their kindness. Some examples that I’ve mentioned in the past:

– A 1930’s cartoon printing plate.

– A cake made out of Sheldon and PvP artwork.

– A really cool Flaco sculpture.

But today I realized that I never shared this gift from two brothers in Baltimore: A Sheldon sculpture made entirely out of colored pipe cleaners. What an amazingly cool way to do it!

Thank you guys! You’ll be happy to know he sits right on my monitor, and reminds me to get back to drawin’. 🙂