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Want…to be…invited…to TED conference…so…badly…

After posting about the TED Photosynth presentation yesterday, I had a lot of readers e-mail me with links to other TED presentations.

TED, to me, is one of those mythical conferences of beauty and light and goodness and intelligence and awesomeness and lots of scientists that didn’t date much in High School. And I want to attend so badly.

Back in my Mattel days, when I was helping to run some sessions of “Project Platypus” (Mattel’s really cool, blue-sky, months-long brainstorming and creativity project), the two places I always wanted to check out were the IDEO San Francisco offices…and the TED conference. Given enough funding and the right creative space, nerds can create some truly awesome things. IDEO does it on an almost daily basis…and TED…well, TED is TED.

Anywho, of all the TED-related items that Sheldon readers sent me yesterday, I liked this one the best.