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The new book is on sale!

I’m happy to report that the book is now available to all Sheldonistas in the store!

After opening up the super-secret sale to Sheldon newsletter subscribers yesterday, there are just 73 Artist’s Editions left, so get ’em while they’re hot.

We already shipped out a few hundred of the orders yesterday…but you want to know the coolest part? One Sheldonista just e-mailed me to say he got his book already. BAM. A 1-day turnaround. That’s how we roll at the Sheldon store. 🙂

(…I actually have no idea how it got there that fast. Martin must live in California. Or, it’s possible the US Postal Service is goin’ ALL OUT this year to win the award for “Best Pseudo-Independent Business Which is Half-Independent and Half-Reliant on Federal Subsidies”. It’s an easy award to win, by the way: They only have to compete against Amtrak.)

Anywho, head on over to the Sheldon Store, and treat yourself to some awesomeness!