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A while back, when I tried to link to my favorite coffee shop, the only link I could find was on a site called “Yelp”. I hadn’t heard of Yelp before, but it turns out it’s a consumer-review site for restaurants and stores and stuff.

It occurred to me this morning that I’d love Sheldonistas to be able to use Yelp to review the Sheldon Store. If they got themselves a book…Was the experience OK? Was it great? How was the customer service? Would they recommend it? That sort of stuff.

So I set up a Yelp page for the store…

The Sheldon Store

…Please chime in with a review if you’ve ever bought a book, a shirt, some original art, etc. And please be honest about it: No sugar-coating necessary! We work really hard to make sure you’re happy with your purchase, but I want you to be honest, if we were lacking in any way!

If folks like the Yelp reviews as a resource, I’ll add the link into the store itself and into all our shipping-confirmation e-mails. That way, you can read reviews before you buy, and add your own when your order arrives.

Feedback on this idea? Know of a better review site? Let me know in the comments section, below. Thanks!