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Awesomeness, Texas-Style

The CAPE comics show was an absolute blast. Or rather, the CAPE show, surrounded by a weekend of laughter with my two hosts, Scott Kurtz and Kris Straub, was an absolute blast.

Scott and Kris are two of my favorite cartoonists, and it was great to see how they worked in their shared toonin’ studio, Halfpixel.

Cartooning is a wonderful, wonderful job, but a lot of it is spent in comparative isolation. Long days alone…that sort of thing. So getting the chance to work side-by-side with these two was really fun.

Scott always jokes in a Texas accent, “Come to Texas — we’ll treat you right.” And they certainly did at the CAPE event on Friday. So a hearty thanks also goes out to the folks at Zeus Comics for hosting.

Sheldon readers came from as far as Austin and Mexico, which was awesome. And, this being the first “outdoor tent” comics event that I’ve attended, I was pleasantly surprised to see 3 or 4 Sheldon readers even bring their pugs out. But a huge thanks to everyone that came out — including a lot of Sheldon Forum posters — it was great meeting all of you!