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Bedford Falls’ Bajillion-Dollar Pool

Lots of responses to today’s strip! As has been rightly pointed out by many, the pool featured in “It’s A Wonderful Life” was the real-life pool of Bevery Hills (where else!) High School.

I only have one friend in LA who went to BHHS…so let’s ask her publicly: Jacky, is that ridiculous pool still in use at the school?

Funniest response to today’s strip came from Sheldonista Karen P.:

I forwarded today’s comic to my sister-in-law who is a big Jimmy Stewart/”It’s a Wonderful Life” fan. I thought she’d really get a kick out of it. She sent me this reply:

“The funny thing about this is I actually believe my dad had mentioned that when the Williamsport (Pennsylvania) High School was built -and don’t ask me when-, but their pool area actually does do this. Unbelievable.”

Should I pop her in the mouth for the sake of the school the next time I see her?

I think, yes, please do, Karen. 🙂