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Cartoonist Profiles

For cartoonists young and old out there, I direct you to this particular offering. It’s a little something close to my heart: My much-loved childhood collection of “Cartoonist Profiles”.

When I was growing up and dreaming of being a cartoonist, there was one journal that perfectly encapsulated my cartooning dreams, and that was “Cartoonist Profiles.” It was a quarterly publication for and about cartooning professionals. It featured interviews with all the cartoonists I loved, articles on tips and tricks, and all the little tidbits about cartooning you couldn’t find anywhere else. I devoured the in-depth interviews, particularly. These men and women were my heroes… and I wanted to know everything they did — everything — to become professional cartoonists.

Anyhow, today as I was reorganizing my studio, I came across all of my issues of “Cartoonist Profiles.” I hadn’t seen them in years, and I couldn’t help but smile. It immediately brought me back to the days when I would read, and re-read, and re-re-read about the cartoonists I loved and how they got to where they were.

But it occurred to me that these were going to waste buried way back in my bookshelf. They should be firing up the imagination of the next generation of cartoonists!

So I’ve put them out there with the hopes they can find a good home. I really don’t mind if they go for nothing — I’m more interested that they find the right cartoonist. So if no one ends up claiming them after a week, I’ll mail ’em out to the first young cartoonist who’d like to have them!

[EDITED TO NOTE: Something went wonky with the original listing, so I’ve reposted it. The link points to the new listing.]