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Changing One’s Opinion of Dr. Who

Much like Sheldon, I used to make fun of “Doctor Who” all the time. When I lived in Canterbury, my English friend Jon (…link to his music, there) was always pitching me on the show, saying I’d love it, and that it was great, etc., etc. But I could never get past the super-weak-sauce special effects.

But the “new” shows, starting a few years back, have been wonderful. It really has been some of the best sci-fi I’ve ever seen. In fact, my wife and I have elevated the episode “Blink” to one of our all-time favorites… in any genre. And now that the writer of that episode, Steven Moffat, is scheduled to take over the reins on Doctor Who for the fifth series…the whole show is going to keep getting better and better. Trust me: Moffat is a genius. So if you’re not into the show yet, now is a great time to jump in.

Flashback: I still remember walking through the out-of-the-way town of Scarborough, and Jon was trying to explain to me what the TARDIS was, and I could see him getting so, so frustrated that I couldn’t grasp it. And now I love it, I absolutely love the whole show. So Jon, thank you! You were right! Despite the continuing lameness of the Daleks, the show is wonderful!