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Contest Time: Win a Sheldon Original Strip!

All right, party people…it’s patented Super Awesome Contest Time!


What Can I Win? A brand-spanking Sheldon Original Comic Strip. Any strip available in the archives!

What Do I Have to Do? Just be your awesome self.

No, C’mon Man, Be Serious For Like Two Seconds In Your Life OK, OK, so here’s the deal: We’re looking for the best possible tagline to describe “Sheldon.”

Wait. Why Don’t You Just Write One? You’re the Cartoonist? So, funny story. I was actually a Marketing copywriter for many a year at Mattel Toys. Naming toys, writing backgrounds and fake histories for toys, and coming up with taglines for toys. Lots and lots of taglines. Did it for years as a freelancer, too. But oddly enough, when it comes to “Sheldon,” I think I’m just too close to it. I can’t write one up.

Is It Also Possible That You’re Doing It This Way Because A Contest Might Be More Fun? Totally, yeah.

Is There A Limit On How Many Taglines I Can Submit? Nope. But try to edit down to your best ones.

If Someone Thinks Of A Good One, And I Have A Funnier/Better/Awesomer Revision, Can I Submit That? Um…sure. Why not. In fact, should you win with the revised version, I’ll give out two originals: To you and to the first person.

What If There’s A Revision To A Revision To A Revision? Aw Lord above, why do we have to make this difficult? We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. 🙂

So Where Do I Submit My Tagline? In the comments section, below, please. My inbox is already swamped…and public sharing of ideas tends to make the whole process more fun!

But I’m Not Registered! Go
here to sign up. (And if you’re having registration problems, just e-mail me. The signup system runs like a 1988 Chrysler LeBaron, sometimes.)

How Long Will The Contest Run? New submissions can be submitted until Friday, April 4th.

How Will You Choose The Winner? Depending on how many really good ones there are, I may pick the top 5-10 and post them for comment and feedback. Then I’ll probably pick the winner a week later.

Sounds Like The Patented Good Times I’ve Come To Expect Around Here. Oh yes, my friend. Oh yes.