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Conventions/Earthquakes/Book Parties

A few quick hits for today:

– Home from San Diego, with many a high-five distributed and received in turn. High tales to tell, in a write-up that I’m about halfway done with. In the meantime, a huge thanks to everyone who came out to the ‘con and said “hi”. It really was the best San Diego Comic-Con I’ve ever attended.

– The LA earthquake, today, reminded me that I need to get one of those li’l 3-day emergency kits put together. I always figure the National Guard will be distributing food/water within three days, so a 3-day kit will do, yes? Also: Need to get my house foundation bolted. Ah, to-do lists I’ve been putting off for years! How lovely of you to come rushing back to my mind during the earthquake itself!

– I’ll write more about it in the next few days, but here’s the first heads-up for people living in SoCal: We’ll be having the big, open-invite book launch party for “Pugs: God’s Little Weirdos” on the night of Sunday Aug. 10th at the Crescent Hotel in Beverly Hills! All are welcome — so mark your calendar and come on out to join in the awesomeness!

– Also! Scott filmed a fun little capstone to our San Diego trip, which — if you jump to the 2:30-minute mark — includes tidbits from one of our panel talks, and a scene from my favorite SoCal burger joint, “In ‘n Out”.

San Diego Wrap Up from Scott Kurtz on Vimeo.