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CUTE THINGS moved in the archives

Our second TALES OF THE DRIVE story, CUTE THINGS, has been moved in the archives…so that you now read it straight through! Each time a story ends, I’ll be moving around the archives so that the story can be read without interruption. So the story now begins HERE.


I really want to thank Christopher Hastings for writing and drawing, and Anthony Clark for coloring, such a great story. It was super fun to read…and the character designs were such a fun take on DRIVE.

Please check out more of their work!
Christopher Hastings is the artist of Dr. McNinja, and the writer on Adventure Time and Marvel’sGwenPool. He can be found on Twitter at: drhastings
Anthony Clark is the artist of Nedroid and Back. He can be found on Twitter at: nedroid


As you know, with all the TALES OF THE DRIVE artists, I’ve specifically told them I don’t want to give them notes, edit them, nitpick them, or tell them what they need to write. My philosophy is: Pick people who create incredible work, and trust them to do wonderful things in the DRIVE universe. And it’s worked so wonderfully, so far: Dylan’s story, and Chris’ story, are both so unique to their voice…and I find both stories DELIGHTFUL.


And on Monday: We begin Ryan North’s and Tony Cliff’s story, “That Time the Veetans Defeated the Tesskans FOREVER