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Free Sheldon Shirt!!

A lot of new folks have discovered Sheldon these last few months… so between now and Saturday, here’s a cool offer for these new readers: Get a FREE Sheldon t-shirt when you order the 4-Book Collection, the 5-Book Collection, or the 5-Pack which includes the “Artist Edition.”

You can pick any shirt you like, including: “Coffee: It’s What’s For Dinner” [Unisex: S, M, L, XL, 2XL], “What Would a Klingon Do?” [Unisex: S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL] or “Lucky Duck” [Ladies: S, M, L, XL, 2XL]. (…Do make sure you check the sizing chart, as our awesome American Apparel t-shirts may be more fitted than you’re used to.)


1.) Complete your order for a book pack.

2.) Pick out the size and style shirt you’d like.

3.) Click THIS LINK and let us know what shirt you’d like. Then, bam! Free shirt for you!