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Glornak Comes To Life

Glornak, as you’ll recall, first made his Sheldon appearance in this strip… and then went on to star in this bumper sticker.

Sheldonista Christine B. has brought ol’ Glornak to life, though, using the awesome power of knitting.

Here’s a scale shot of Christine’s hand-made Glornak next to a water bottle:

But then, as Christine tells me, “I realized that what the picture really needed was terrified little people running from Glornak. Then, I realized that no, that wasn’t right. Glornak needed to be facing down a whole bunch of little green army men.” Et, voila! Notice that Glornak has trapped one of them under his (assumedly) slimy appendages.

Even better, Christine started to lose her daylight while taking the shots, requiring her to move to flash photography. The results were suitably dramatic:

My favorite shot is this one, though. It feels like 1950’s B-Movie. “Attack of the 400-Foot Potato” or something.

Christine wanted everyone to know that “… in the end the green army men were victorious, though they suffered heavy losses. After an extensive rehabilitation period and continuing anger management therapy, Glornak has found a new home with Tim, Susan, Jimmy, Becky and Spot. He is extremely proud of his place in their “Our family” sticker and says that whenever he feels the urge to go on a rampage, he remembers that, how it symbolizes just how far he’s come, and it calms him back down.”

Christine, you’re awesome. Thanks for the pics!