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Got Friends in the Media?

After working on our comics documentary secretly for two years, the public response to the trailer these past ten days has floored us: People really, really want to see this movie. And it’s super encouraging.

But every time someone new watches the trailer, and gets passionate about it…it just makes us want to get the trailer in front of more people. Especially while the Kickstarter fundraiser is still going on.

Can you help with that?

There are a few of you, and you know who you are, who have a sister who works at a major newspaper, or a cousin who edits for Wired, or a neighbor who writes for a major blog site. Can you forward them the trailer and (kindly) suggest they watch it? With a few kind e-mails from you guys, we could really expand our impact.

And I know that 99% of us won’t have that big-time media friend. But 1% of us just might…and we’d really, really appreciate help from that 1%.

And for the rest of us: Please keep tweeting news of the film, or blogging it, or sharing it on Facebook. Every bit helps!