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Important Note on Scheduling

For the next 4-6 months, I’m going to reduce the update schedule on DRIVE. Until we wrap production on STRIPPED, the schedule for DRIVE will change from every Thursday to “most Thursdays”. Rest assured the strip’s not ending or going anywhere…it’s just that we may miss a Thursday or two.

It’s a bummer, admittedly…but I have to acknowledge the elephant in the room: Producing a feature-length film is a huuuuge undertaking, and is going to monopolize my schedule until we finish it. And rather than continually disappoint DRIVE readers, I’d rather be upfront about it, and explain the reasons why.

See, right now in my professional life, I have two “jobs” and one “hobby.” SHELDON, as my main job, will continue to come out every weekday on schedule…as it has for the last 12 years. That’s a promise I’ve explicitly made to my readers, and I intend to keep it. Similarly, STRIPPED, as a project that was publicly funded under a huge auspice of trust, is a job that I’ve promised to complete.

But DRIVE is a different animal. As I’ve always said, DRIVE is a gift I’m giving myself. And in a time of immense schedule crunch, it unfortunately becomes the project that will have to take the temporary hit. But because I love the strip so much, I can assure you DRIVE is not going anywhere. It’s just that, over the next 4-6 months, we may miss a Thursday, here or there.

So that you’re not continuously refreshing your browser every Thursday, might I recommend one of two things:
1.) Sign up to get new DRIVE strips in your e-mail.*

2.) Add the DRIVE feed to your RSS reader.

*(Existing Sheldon users: Trouble signing up for Drive? Try this trouble-shooting approach here.)