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It’s My Berfday!

Hey! I completely forgot to mention, what with being under the weather, that it is (was) my b-day! Woo-hoo!

My biggest birthday gift continues to be living this dream of cartooning full-time. You wouldn’t believe what a gift that is. And *you* make it possible, with your kind support. Anytime you come out to say “hi” at a convention, or pick up something cool at the store, or even drop me a kind note… that kind of support means the world to me.

If you want to do something nice for a cartoonist on his b-day, how about this: Take 30 seconds and e-mail five people in your life to suggest they try “Sheldon.” It’s the nicest possible thing you could do for this lil’ toonist. (To make it easy, here’s a basic e-mail you can modify and send. Just click here.)

Or, you may even want to try a cool feature on the site: Sending a strip to a friend! Here’s how: Navigate to your favorite Sheldon strip in the archives), then fill in their e-mail in the little grey box (under the right-hand-side of the strip). It’ll let you include a personalized note, too, telling them to give “Sheldon” a try.

Thanks, ahead of time, to everyone who tells a friend! It’s the best gift I could possible receive!