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My Birthday!

I forgot to mention my birthday, but I got a few dozen e-mails from readers who remembered from last year and dropped me a note…which was nice.

Since it’s my birthday, can I ask you to do one kind thing for your friendly neighborhood cartoonist: Before the day is over, could you share Sheldon with *one person* in your life who has never seen/heard of the strip? That would be the bestest birthday gift ever, for me.

And sure, you can e-mail more than one person, or blog about it or whatever…but I know you’re busy in life, so I’ll just ask you to e-mail the strip to *one person*, if you can.

To make it easy, I’ll even write up a basic e-mail you can modify and send. Just click here to send it!)

(Note: That link probably won’t work on web-based mail systems like Yahoo/GMail/Hotmail. So here’s the text you can copy/paste: )

Check out this comic strip ‘Sheldon’ at https://sheldoncomics.com — I think you’ll like it! New strips are up 7 days a week, and you can read it on the the site, via RSS, or by daily delivery to your e-mail. (Here’s a good intro to the strip: https://sheldoncomics.com/new.html ).