EXCLUSIVE EARLY READ of the next Drive is up, only for Patreon backers! The page is called “Cuddow’s Monthly Fashion Zine”:
Not yet a Patreon backer of Drive? OH MAN YOU SHOULD BE! Your support this week makes *next* week’s Drive possible!
Plus! There are a bunch of perks for you! Join us, here: https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?c=104189
In fun news, this week’s Drive is a little late because we were FILMING THE KICKSTARTER VIDEO FOR THE DRIVE ACT II HARDCOVER BOOK!!! Look for that soon! I’m so excited to get that book to you!*
Also! For those that missed it, my first ever Drive watercolor is up for grabs! So if you are an original art lover, go snag it!
*Act II isn’t wrapped up but will be by the time that Kickstarter is finishing up.