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November can’t get here fast enough!

Rejoice my friends, rejoice! After literally decades of waiting, we can all look forward to a new album from 1980’s hip-hop/pop star “Tigra”.

And don’t stand there pretending you don’t remember that name:

“We like the cars

The cars that go ‘boom’

We are Tigra and Bunny

And we like the ‘boom’!

It was the classic 1980’s ode to cars with bass! And after decades in a self-imposed exile, where she was no doubt working on hydrogen-fueled auto technology, Tigra is back. Back.

Sad admission: I brought this up on Friday night at dinner with friends, and after we laughed for 20 minutes…we all kinda had to admit that that song rocked. My wife and I have been singing an a capella, lounge-like version all weekend. Like Mel Torme would do if he were singing Tigra and Bunny’s greatest hits.

Sad admission #2: I had to do a Google search just now to remember the name of their band: “L’Trimm”. How ridiculously rad is that name??

Kinda cool fun fact: my Google search further revealed that they were 16 when that song came out. Man! How is the rest of your life not a huuuuge let-down after you’ve recorded “We Like The Cars (The Cars That Go Boom)” at 16?