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Original Art

Sheldon original art

The Thing

Sheldon cartoons are hung in LA galleries, in the main lobby of Google, and in hundreds of homes around the world. And here's your chance to get an original Sheldon of your very own!

Each cartoon is a hand-drawn, hand-lettered, one-of-a-kind creation; drawn on acid-free Bristol Vellum cardstock using archival Faber-Castell and Micron pens. The originals are black-and-white, and commonly measure either 4 1/4" x 13 3/4" (for the horizontal strips), or 10"x13 3/4" (for the larger, double-tall strips). They frame up beautifully, and make any owner 26% better looking.

Note: Reproduction rights are not included in the sale of original Sheldon art. Only the cool awesomeness of owning your own original is for sale. And trust us: that's a lot of cool awesomeness.

PANEL 1: SHELDON, a ten-year old boy with huge glasses, and bright orange shirt and blue pants, walks on a sidewalk next to a yellow duck, ARTHUR. Behind him is a brown neighborhood fence, with hedges behind it.
SHELDON: THE THING is finally appearing in the MCU!
ARTHUR: Is that the guy from the Fabulous Five?

PANEL 2: Close up on SHELDON, hands gesturing excitedly.
SHELDON: (ignoring that) And now that he’s here, I can finally have the on-screen battle I’ve always dreamed of: A tripartite fight between The Thing, The Hulk, and Spider-man!

PANEL 3: SHELDON clasps his hands by his head excitedly, Arthur stands next to him unsure as to what’s happening.
ARTHUR: Did you use the word “Tripartite?”
SHELDON: Where the only true winner is ALL MY HOPES AND DREAMS.

Want 5,000 more comics like this? Join us at Patreon.com/sheldoncomics for the *FULL* Sheldon archives, art giveaways, fun community, and more! Sheldon Comics copyright Dave Kellett. Colors by Beth Reidmiller

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