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Sheldon In Your College Paper! BAM!

College students! Now is the time to get free “Sheldon” strips in your school paper! Here’s how:

1.) IF YOU’RE A STUDENT: Write a letter to your newspaper’s Features Editor and/or the Managing Editor. You can usually find their names and e-mail address in the “Contact Us” link of the newspaper’s website. Tell them why you love “Sheldon”, and why it’s a good fit for your paper. Mention that it’s free, that it already runs in college papers in the US/Canada/Ireland, and that it’s been appearing online (daily!) for 10 years.

Not so good with words? Allow me! Just click THIS LINK for an easy-to-complete e-mail!

2.) IF YOU’RE AN EDITOR: Just grab THIS PDF, fill it out, and e-mail me the scanned, signed document via your *school* e-mail account (e.g., “.edu,” “.ac.uk,” etc.)

Also, I should mention: The free use of Sheldon is offered to colleges only, and not for private/public groups, newsletters, or for elementary/High School levels. Thanks!