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This Weekend! Seattle! Let’s Hang Out!

I’ll be at Seattle’s Emerald City Comicon this weekend, givin’ out free sketches like a mad man, and just generally bein’ A FRIEND. Won’t you join me? Here are the deets:

WHO: You ‘n Me
WHAT: Emerald City Comicon
WHERE: Washington State Convention Center, Downtown Seattle
WHAT BOOTH: #102 “Halfpixel”. Right up front!
Friday: 2:00pm – 8:00pm
Saturday: 10:00am – 7:00pm
Sunday: 10:00am – 5:00pm
WHY: Because we are gonna have super good times, and laugh, and laugh, and have fun.

ALSO! Check out that exclusive poster we’re gonna have at the show…The BATPUG!

(click for larger image)