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Trying Somethin’ New (Oso’s Adventure)

Because he’s not particularly good with The King’s English, Oso’s adventure tale will be a completely non-verbal story. Which, unless I’m mistaken, I’ve never tried before. I hope you won’t mind me experimenting with something different…it’s fun to stretch the ol’ wings from time to time.

Anyway, each strip in this 8-day arc will be a double-sized strip…with a little more background detail than normal, to help pick up the communication when words are absent.

Lookin’ at them all spread out on my drawing desk, I think they came out pretty neat — I hope you enjoy ’em!

Also, just a head’s up: I’ll be away from the inna’net for the next 5-8 days, so please forgive me if I don’t get back to your e-mails for a while. As soon as I can, I’ll be responding to each and every one…as I always do!