ITEM THE FIRST: We haven’t forgotten about the tagline contest! Steph is collating all the many hundreds of entries, and we’re going over them this weekend. Rather than just pick my favorite, though, I’ll put up my top ten and solicit feedback before I choose. That way, it’ll be another mix of delegates and superdelegates.
ITEM THE SECOND: Don’t forget that the first Sheldon collection, “Pure Ducky Goodness,” is 50% off over at the Sheldon Store! It’s a great way of testing out the full collection to see if it’ll will help you get that raise, lose that weight, and find a new understanding of life’s mysteries. (Hint: It totally will.)
ITEM THE THIRD: Finding a common thread as to why some people got the newsletter while others didn’t is proving maddening. I’ll be individually e-mailing everyone that didn’t get it…but the overall process is proving my old dictum true: “Technology: It Sucks Lemons.”