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[VIDEO UPDATE] Press Proofs Are Here!

SHORT VERSION: The book looks amazing!

LONG VERSION: Press proofs came in, and the above video takes you through all the different parts of the book production! It’s pretty neat to see, if you’ve never seen all the parts that go into a book.


ALSO: 92% of you have given me your shipping address, but I’m still waiting on that last 8%. If you haven’t given your address, go here — https://driveact2.backerkit.com — and follow GET MY SURVEY. Thanks!

ALSO ALSO: I’m giving away a 55-page eBook of all the Drive reference materials on Patreon! If you’ve been looking for an excuse to support Drive on Patreon, HERE’S YOUR CHANCE! The eBook will only go out to $5-and-up Patreon backers, and only on Thanksgiving Day! You’ll also get all the other Patreon exclusives — but the eBook is a rad special offer. So join us, here: https://www.patreon.com/join/drive?